chapter nine

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a/n: guys we go up is a bop fight me

we go up is the best nct song and im not saying that bc im a dream stan

fIgHt Me

lets keep streaming bc our goal is to make 3mil views in 24h and we already have 2,2mil in 12h

My head hurts in the worst way possible. I have to take a pill or I will explode.

Someone kept knocking at the door like they wanted to take it down.

"Yukhei? What are you doing? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine but I may or may not have done something really stupid."

"I'm listening."

"Remember that plates and dishes my mom loves? I sold them by mistake."

"How can you sold more than 30 plates by mistake? Whatever can we talk later? My head is dying and I don't know why."

"You are not helping me???"

"I'm sorry Xuxi, but you have to buy other plates."

I took the pill and I made Yukei something to eat. He really needs a supportive friend because his mother is going to kill him.

"Oh, Xuxi-"

"Don't call me like that again!"

"But I like Xuxi. It sounds like sushi." I started laughing.

"Ugh, fine."

"Have you told Doyoung about that thing?"

"I told him you want to talk with him. And I think that's enough to worry the bunny."

"D-do you think he is worried?"

"No, he is laughing his ass off. Of course he is worried, stupid onion. He's your future boyfriend."

"You don't know that."

"I know that. Now give me the food."


It's 11pm and Doyoung didn't text me. Should I go to his place? I mean..I am the one who wants to talk with him.

I went out for some fresh air. Now that I know why my head still hurts, everything is okay. Yes, after more than 10 hours, my head still hurts.

I went to the park. The park is always the best place in which you can put your thoughts in order.

Fortunately, Doyoung thinks the same.


"Oh, Doyoung..."

"What are you doing here?"

"Just taking some fresh air."

"Well I'm not complaining. I wanted to talk to you."

"Yeah, right..."

"What happened? You can tell me if it's something wrong."

I wanted to tell something but all of a sudden I started to see in the fog.

"Jungwoo? Are you okay? You look a little pale."

"N-no, I..."

I couldn't finish my phrase because I fainted.

a/n: shook

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