First Date cont'd.

Start from the beginning

Hyebin laughed harder

"Just Dabin. Don't be so stubborn" I think she's getting pissed off

"I was just kidding.. Dabin" I said giving her a sweet smile

She smiled so wide

JooE pretended to scratch her arms and neck "These ants are everywhere! I wonder why"

"You just didn't take a bath, Tropicana" said Yeonwoo unnie while she's laughing and I couldn't help but laugh too

"Hey! Someone's laughing so hard. As if you took a bath, Nancy" she fired back

Our laughs filled the entire restaurant

Everyone's looking at us but we didn't care

Hyebin's POV

I feel so happy being with JooE right now

Even if it's not officially our date

I'm glad she invited me to come along

I could finally spend a day with her

She never fails to make everyone happy... specially me

Her jolly personality is what I like the most

And of course she's pretty

"My pretty Tropicana" I murmured

"Did you say something, unnie?" she asked

"Huh? No, I didn't" I denied "Just eat. You're too're hearing things"

"I just thought you said I'm pretty" she said not looking at me

"Well, you are" I blurted as Nancy and Yeonwoo looked at us

"What are you two looking at?" I threatened

"Nothing, unnie. It's just that you and JooE look good together" said Nancy

"Just when did you start answering that way?" I asked

"Well she's a fast learner" said Yeonwoo while petting Nancy's head

"Thanks, unnie" said Nancy as they chuckled

How I wish I could just leave

But I will take JooE with me


JooE's POV

Hyebin unnie is so sweet and caring

I feel like I'm a princess when she puts food on my plate

Can you take care of me for the rest of my life?

I wanted to say that so bad but instead a small giggle escaped my mouth

"What happened?" asked Hyebin smiling at me

"N-nothing unnie. I just think you're putting too much food on my plate"

"Oh, you don't like it?"

"O-of course I do. But I might not be able to eat all of that"

Hyebin looked at my plate and it seems like half of what we have ordered are there

"Oh! I'm so sorry. I didn't notice" she said while hurriedly transferring some of the foods to her plate

"I only get to see our President panic when she's with the girl she likes" teased Yeonwoo

"Shut up, Etoile!" her ears went red as Nancy and Yeonwoo kept on laughing

The girl she likes? Hyebin unnie likes me?! 😍


The girls are enjoying their meal and having a lot of fun

While a mysterious girl inside a car is watching them outside the restaurant

"I'm glad to see you having fun"

She smirked

"The way you take care of her and how you look into her eyes make it obvious that you're in love"

She took her sun glasses off

"Enjoy for now.. and you'll come crawling to my feet again later...."

She rolled her windows down


Yeonwoo saw her

The girl glared at her, smirked, started her car and drove away

Yeonwoo stood up

"Unnie, what's wrong?" asked Nancy but Yeonwoo ignored her and ran outside

Hyebin followed

Yeonwoo checked the road but the car is already gone

"Yah, Yeonwoo what happened?" asked Hyebin

Yeonwoo is breathing heavily

"Are you ok?"

"Y-yeah. I'm ok" said Yeonwoo trying to calm herself down

She doesn't want Nancy to see her that way

"Are you sure? You don't look ok"

She couldn't lie to her best friend

"I think I saw her, Hyebin"


"Seung Ri"



Oh no!
Swiper no swiping!



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