Is this real

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Alina's p.o.v.

I woke up to see a naked Caleb next to a naked me, all of the memories from last night came flooding back. I smiled, we were finally fully mated and I couldn't be happier.

I tried to get up but an arm held me down, I looked down to see Caleb's arm around my waist. After struggling to get out of his grasp I started to tickle him. The thing was that he could sleep through a bombing, but if you tickled him he would wake up instantly.

He groaned "what" I stopped tickling "I have to pee so move your arm" he grumbled about being comfy, but I just pushed his arm off me and ran to the bathroom.

When I walked out I saw that Caleb had fallen back asleep, I smiled. I got some clothes on and ran downstairs, I went into the pack kitchen and started to cook some bacon. A few minutes later a bunch of pack members came downstairs, I saw two people that were trying to take the bacon.

I smacked Alex's and Caleb's hands away from the food "don't touch until I say" they put their hands up in surrender, Alex walked into the other room. Caleb stayed next to me "can I ask you something Alina?" I turned away from the food and looked at him "yes" "will you come on a date with me tonight" I nodded my head.

"I bring the food out in a second, go with your brother" he nodded his head, and as he was walking out he said "it's a formal date" "ok" I yelled back.

-time skip to date-

Caleb brought me to a clearing with flowers and a beautiful river, we were having a picnic dinner when he stood up "follow me" I nodded.

I followed him to another clearing that was even more beautiful, then Caleb got down on one knee "Alina the moment I laid my eyes on you I knew I wanted to have a life with you, so Alina Willson will you marry me?"

I stood there shocked, I smiled "yes yes a million times yes" I gave him a huge hug and kissed him. All of a sudden I hear clapping, I turn to see Alex, Eric, my dad, my mom, Jason, Lucas, and Cat all standing there. I smiled, everyone I loved was with me and I knew that I would always have them.

-time 1 weeks later-

I have been have weird cravings and mood swings, I think I'm bi-polar. I told Cat about this and she said to see my pack doctor, when I went to the pack doctors I was told that I was pregnant.

Tonight me and Caleb were going for a walk in the woods, I was going to tell him the news "come on Caleb I want to go on the walk" he walked over to me laughing "calm down I'm coming, why are you so happy?" "I just have so e news" I smiled.

Half way through the walk we stopped at the clearing where Caleb proposed to me, I brought him under a tree "Caleb I need to tell you something" "is it that your leaving me and going back to Jackson, please don't leave me I love you to much" I laughed, he looked at me like I was crazy (which I am) "no silly I was going to say that I'm pregnant" a huge smile grew on his face.

The next thing I know is that I'm being squished in a death hug "that's fantastic news, I can't wait to start a family with you" I smiled "me too Caleb"


Authors Note

Hey guys I just wanted to say that the next chapter is the last chapter of the book, also should I write another werewolf book or another type

Thanks for all the votes this book got

I hope you will have a great day/night or whatever time it is and Bye (•-•) <*derpyness*

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