De lemons

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Angri German went on top of Ermun
"Ern wtf u dooin?" Arm askt
"I wnna fK yus " sed eeereh
"K sure"
Then they kist.  Ew bacteria
"I luv ya bro no homo" mekoosaas brthr sed
"Full homo" blondeee whisprd
Angri tuk arms clots off with his wings and den shoved heee penus in da booty.
"I no wna hoort u bby "
"Lol just fuck mi alrdy" coconut mooned
Ern den Fukd the cinnamon roll
"Dude wtf did you put a lamppost in my but"
"Nu bro dats ma dangalang " jeegor sed
"Armn wht da fek dit yo just sey?"
"I was moaning "
Den they had butsecs more
Shrek walked een and jerked ooof in da coorna a crid .
"AM GUNA COOOOOOM" sum1 scrmd
Germoon coomd in rmin and t was prpl
"Rn whays ya cum the colr of prpl?" Armin akd
"Cos it's grape juice"
Books drank it and t tstd like strwbry slushes.
Shrk was Stil in th crnr
Teacup walkd een
Rmin cri'd nd ran off
"Fek you ravioli . Fek you "

The end

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