38 ~ Yes I won't mind!

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Hello my lovely reads You're mine crossed 80k+ and 83.7k now.Hope we cross 100k within September month.And it's ranked #4 in stars out of 5.86k stories worldwide.

Here goes the update!

Unedited for now so spare any typos!

Inline comments are love😍

Nandini's pov

"What the hell Nandini? I told you not to come here but you still?" Cabir blasted marching towards me. I stood up from the stool and clutched the bedsheet hard but felt a soft pat on my knuckles and looked down to see Manik's hand pressed into mine.

"I am there with you!" He whispered blinking his eyes in assurance.I nodded and looked at Cabir who was right now fuming at me with his red eyes.

"Cabir cool down! It's not her fault." Manik stated before Cabir could open his mouth.

"Um Nandini can you please leave now?" Manik asked while eyeing at Cabir. "Me and Cabir need to talk."

"Sure no problem I'll come tomorrow." I smiled.

"I will get discharged tomorrow." He smiled.

Yes the smirking jerk was smiling. Two months earlier I could never imagine the monster smiling at me that too a genuine one.

"Bye see you!" My eyes didn't leave his.

"Goodnight Nandini!" He whispered with a longing in his eyes.

"Goodnight Manik!" Our gaze was glued on each other and no one dared to blink.

"I guess you both forgot I'm here." Cabir's cold tone made us break our eyelock and I scurried away as quickly as I could.


"I'm back home Nanz!" I sang as I entered and found Navya engaged in watching a movie of Varun Dhawan named Judwa.She was so engrossed in the scene that half of the popcorns decorated the rug under the couch.

Nothing could now deter her from watching the movie so I straightway went to the kitchen, pulled out a water bottle from the fridge, guzzled it back to quench my dried throat and then made my way to the stairs.I drowned myself in wattpad reading the most celebrated novel called Chasing Red.Yes I was in love with romance novels other than the fanfictions.

It was at night, Navya came to my room yawning.

"Hey Nanz! I was busy sorry I couldn't talk then. Now tell me what happened?" She plopped into the bed almost pushing me to make some space for her.

"Well Manik has forgiven me." I screamed.

"I told you he would but what about you? Did you forgive him?"

"Of course yes!" She pulled me into a hug.

"I'm so happy Nanz.I wish you both happiness forever."

"Excuse me we're not couples okay? So please don't use those words like forever for us." I blushed but was smart enough to hide it from Navya.

Me and Manik forever?

It sounds so good together!

"Stop dreaming now?"

"Dreaming? Huh?"

"I know Nanz you're dreaming about your forever!" Navya winked making me roll my eyes.

How could she know everything about me?

"Nothing like that. Well I thought to bring Manik home." I bit my lip to see Navya furrowing her brows in surprise.

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