11 ~ So you mean I broke in everyday?

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Nandini's pov

"Hey who are you? Why are you doing this? Leave me ...let me go...!!" I was screaming but my screams fell on deaf ears.

It was pitch dark inside the car and someone was grabbing my wrist tight.The car was moving fast.I had no idea where was I heading to and to top that I couldn't see the face of my kidnapper.

I tried hard to free my hand but I failed to overcome the iron like grip.But I couldn't sit there still.I had to do something.

With my left hand I started fumbling with the locks and windows but even that didn't help.It was a centralised lock.Damn it!!!!

"Stop fluttering like a caged bird!! That won't help you out."

Finally my kidnapper opened his mouth.The voice was familiar.I had heard it earlier too.Was he my kidnapper? Oh God!!!

The reflection in the rear view mirror showed two chocolaty brown orbs focussed on the road.

The next moment the kidnapper switched on the light and it confirmed my suspicion.

"You? How dare you kidnap me?" I screamed

"I saved you." he chuckled

"Really Manik? You saved me? Don't lie"

His land left my wrist now

"Come on Nandini. I did save you. Didn't you see that Steve coming your way?"

Steve..No way as far as I remember he had gone.

"Steve no way he wasn't there at all.And you picked me up while I was about to call Zack." I huffed

"Zack!!! Who the hell is that?"

"Like seriously you don't know Zack my friend.?"

"Whatever !!! Listen I saw Steve approaching you so I just picked you up.Okay. And the reason is I have heard that he had tried to molest you.He could have harmed you.And as far as Manik Malhotra is concerned he won't allow any guy to touch a girl.So in fact you should be thankful to me." He said all at once with his eyes resting on the road.

I don't know if he was lying or saying the truth.

"Fine then.You saved me so now let me go. I need to go to Steve' s house.I need to retrieve that video.I need to do break in his house and that too tonight." I blabbered in front of him which I wasn't supposed to do.

"What breaking in Steve's house ? "

He started laughing out loud

"What's so funny in that?"

"No I didn't know you were an investigation agent." He said suppressing his laughter

"It's not a joke.Okay!!" I gritted

"So what is it then?"

Fine if I didn't say this guy he would literally make me mad

"Steve tried to molest me.He tried to reach a bargain.If I give my body to him then he wouldn't give Navya and her boyfriend's nude videos to porn sites.I could have been raped that night if Zack didn't appear to save me.I was saved but Navya is still in danger so I gotta help her out.One of my friends suggested this and I liked the idea so today is the night I have to complete my mission." I said all in a go though he knew I was molested but it was important for him to know the reason

I saw Manik's grip on the wheel tightened and the veins portruded on his fair hand.Was he concerned about me? Was he angry?

Come on Nandini why would he worry about you? We didn't even know each other.

You Are Mine Forever And AlwaysOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora