Mrs All American - Michael

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Hey lovelies so I hope you liked my last imagine and sorry it got so long 🙊 anyways you're probably noticing a theme here, I decided to make all of these imagines about stories that led to them writing their songs. So this one is about Mikey because he's a sweetheart and also because he co-wrote a lot of their new songs and he and Calum actually wrote mrs all american so I figured it was a good fit and it's about mrs all American because personally that's one of my favourite songs off of their new ep and also it kind of gives a little hope for every girl that meets them because it's mostly about just seeing a beautiful girl and from the way it's written it sounds like it was a fan so yeah hope you like it. Oh and by the way I tried to keep it pretty PG but no promises for any of these.


Finally the day of the comcert has come, you've been waiting ages for the chance to see the boys live and here it is. You and your friend meet up at your house to choose your outfits for the concert because they absolutely have to be perfect. You finally decide on a pair of jean shorts and a white cropped long sleeve and a flower crown in your long blonde hair that you curled just for today. You and your friend decide to go to the mall because she can't find a shirt that she wants to wear for the concert. You drive your old mini van to the best mall in the city and park in the mile wife parking lot. Your friend goes into H&M and she's taking hours so you decide to go to Hot Topic and look at band shirts. You're looking at a Blink 182 shirt and trying to find your size when you hear a deep voice with a thick Australian accent behind you say "I love that band" you turn around and you're greeted with a farmiliar purple haired boy in an unbuttoned plaid shirt.

"Um yeah they're one of my favourites"

"What's your favourite song of theirs?"

"Probably I miss you"

"Oh same! me and a few of my mates did a cover of it a while back here I'll show you"

michael takes our his phone and pulls up a video of their cover and everything finally makes sense

"Oh you're michael Clifford, I love your music"

"oh thanks um yeah we're just in town because we're playing a concert later"

"yeah I'm going"

"oh really well I guess I'll have to look for you"

"yeah definitely"

"are you doing anything after the concert?"


"oh well me and the guys are going out, want to come?"

"yeah definitely here's my number" you say handing him a slip of paper with your number scrawled on it

"okay thanks I'll definitely call you"

"okay see you"

"yeah see ya" michael says before catching up with the rest of the guys

you grab the blink 182 shirt and buy it from the cashier but the entire time you can't stop thinking about michael

"Hey Y/N did you buy anything?" you turn around and your freind is walking up behind you

"uh yeah I got a shirt" you say flustered

"is everything alright?"

"uh yeah definitely it's all good"

"oh okay well look what I bought!" she says shoving her shopping bags towards you

"oh wow um okay"

you can't believe what happening, you just had the best moment of your life and you're not telling your friend. part of you wants to tell her but you decide that for once it will just be your little secret

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