Chapter 5 -(The Truth)

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Salena was bored. She had finished her meal and washed the dishes to save who ever was on dishwashing duty the trouble and spent the remainder of her time texting her best friend, Cameron Jones:

SALENA: Hey Cameron!

CAMERON: Hey Salulu! 😜

SALENA: I told you never to call me that. 😒


CAMERON: Relax, I'm just teasing, princess.

SALENA: You're so annoying!

CAMERON: Thank you, I'll take that as a compliment. 😉

Salena rolled her eyes and chuckled. He is such a clown.

Cracking jokes has always been his forte.

CAMERON: So, how's Amber Beach? Your bro?

SALENA: Amber Beach is great. Everyone here is super nice. Tyler is great. Met some of his friends. Now I'm sitting alone at the Café, he works at. So bored! 😐

CAMERON: What?! Alone?! Why?!

SALENA: He told me that he had some work to do and told me to stay put.

CAMERON: And you believe that? He works at a café, right? Did he say where he was going?

SALENA: Yes, I believe that cause he's my brother. I trust him. No, he didn't say.

CAMERON: That's strange.


CAMERON: The fact that he leaves his little sister whom  he has not seen for almost a year alone. And he does not tell her  where he  will be. Sounds like a responsible older brother.🙄

Salena sighed. Cameron did have a point.  Tyler did not return any of her texts and her calls went straight to  his voicemail In her mind, Tyler would never hide anything from her. But the way her brother rushed out in such a panic and the fact that he was about  to tell her something  only added  to her increased suspicion and worry that he might be hiding something. But what?

As if sensing that  he might have crossed a line,  Cameron texted immediately:

CAMERON: Sorry, I didn't mean it that way.

SALENA: No worries, I get it that you are concerned. Listen, I have to go now. Talk soon alright?

CAMERON: Alright. Be safe out there,  Salena.

SALENA: I will.


By the time, she sent  the last message. Salena noticed something strange happening with her bracelet. She felt a sharp pain as it seemed to  tighten around her  wrist. The bracelet also gave off a bright orange glow.
"What the heck?" Salena asked in astonishment.
The strangeness did not end there. As if having a mind of its own, her arm began to rise, catching Salena off guard.
Salena stood up. Her arm, outstretched, pointed towards the back door. Her bracelet glowed.
Then, like a magnet drawn to metal, her arm led her towards the door and onto the loading bay outside.  At first,
It looked like a normal place to store and load cargo as evident by the many crates stacked at various places. But it was the sight of the T-rex head that caught Salena's attention.   Its mouth was wide open, revealing sharp teeth, as  if warning potential trespassers to stay away. Inside its mouth, Salena noticed that that in the place where the tongue should be, there was a slide, leading down to somewhere.
Once again, the bracelet glowed and began to lead its owner forward but Salena stopped herself, shaking her head.
"You want me to climb in there? No ways! There could be rats down there," she protested.
Salena  turned  to walk back to the Café, but  stopped suddenly when she noticed that her arm remained outstretched towards the dinosaur's mouth.
"You can't make me," she protested, like a whining child refusing to go to kindergarten only to be dragged by her parents.
As if taking no for an answer, her bracelet glowed once more and her arm tugged, causing Salena to stumble.
"Ok ok," the girl said in utter annoyance, "I'm going, geez."
Salena climbed into the T- Rex and slid down the tunnel.

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