Chapter 8: To Infinity and Beyond

Start from the beginning

"(Y/N), you did understand yesterday that we're going to our probable deaths, didn't you?"

"Hardly the first time, and like Red Beryl said, no one knew I was going to be there with you. Until the moment comes, I bet we can make an exotic vacation of it!"

"Sure. Don't worry, I won't let my experiences there get in the way if I can help it. I want you to have fun."

You calmed briefly from your hyperactive state.

"Thank you Jasper," you said, hugging her warmly. "And don't you worry. I'll stand up for you if anyone has a grudge."

It took only a few minutes for you to get to Steven's house. Pearl stepped out with a confused expression.

"I take it you two really hurried? They won't be here for almost half an hour. I suppose you might as well come inside."

"So who's coming, exactly?" you asked once you were both inside.

"A band of astrals who rebelled against their own kind, the Stellar Hegemony, just as we rebelled against the Great Diamond Authority. Protectors of the Earth, of the stars, and of the galaxy. The Shooting Stars," Garnet explained, sounding genuinely fascinated.

"I think they have a human with them now," Amethyst added.

"I'm not sure she can be accurately described as simply 'a human,' but... spoilers," Garnet said grinning.

"Do you have any idea what we're going into?" Jasper asked.

"They didn't give us many details," Garnet replied. "All they've gathered is that something has been stirring beneath the planet's surface. It superficially resembles an unformed cluster, but has exhibited... unique properties, including a developed single intelligence."

"So it's another cluster? Why doesn't Steven go and bubble it?" Jasper suggested.

"I thought the same. Apparently it isn't in a single piece, and has proven impervious to bubbling. But I know that the two of you can find a way. Jasper, you have the strength of body and spirit to stand against any adversary, and (Y/N), if it seems like there's no way to stop it, I know you'll dream up something. As a team," she said, holding out her left hand, then her right, then bringing them together, "you're unstoppable. Now go save the world."

"Thanks, but I feel like that would've been a little more dramatic if it wasn't going to be over twenty minutes before we go anywhere," you observed.

"Actually, they're about to arrive early. Guess they didn't want to keep you waiting."

You felt the house start to shake slightly, and a shadow passed in front of the Sun for a brief moment, then all was silent.

"No way!" Steven exclaimed, running ahead of you out the door. Your jaw dropped as you saw the ship floating high above the water. Its rear section was mostly bright red, octagonal in shape, tapering to a flat edge around the middle. The front section fit smoothly onto this edge so that the top and bottom of the ship were both almost perfectly flat. This section was silver, long and rectangular, sloping up from the bottom and down from the top to form another neat edge at the very tip of the bow. Much of the exterior surface was covered in windows.

"The Andromeda," Pearl whispered to herself behind you.

There was a brief resonating hum, like the sound of a tuning fork, and nine figures appeared standing on the beach. What struck you first was that most of them looked virtually identical to members of Matrix Null, save for the lack of gems, different uniforms, and some differences in colouration. One who looked identical to Red Beryl stepped forward. Her skin was the same shade of red as the ship. Her face was heart-shaped and delicate, with magenta eyes, dark red curly hair tied up on top of her head, and subtly pointed ears. She had iridescent dragonfly-like wings, and wore a floor-length wine-coloured dress. On the abdomen, her dress was emblazoned with a three-pointed white star, in which was set a red star, in which was set a pink star. The same symbol was on the uniforms of all the others.

Crystal Clear Part 2: Familiar Faces (Jasper x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now