<Chapter 3>

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Inside the training room were Melissa's bunkmates, all geared up and ready to run combat situations when Melissa came through the door, a half-eaten sandwich in her hand. "I'm here! I'm here!" she panted, getting some odd side stares from the others around her. "About time, you almost missed the start of training!" The group parted, allowing James to come through. "Yeah, that would have been SO bad." Melissa spoke with a sarcastic tone, a small smirk on her face. James' face was unreadable through his helmet, but Melissa swore she could see a smile on his face.

"Come on, gear up. You've got training to do." James turned and walked away as Melissa gave a stare towards his backside, causing the people around her to snicker a little. "It's obvious you have a crush on him, Melissa. Just admit it." Melissa shot a glare towards the person who said that, shutting him up. As she left to gear up, something tripped her up, sending her sandwich flying and causing a round of laughter to rise from the crowd.

Melissa got up and brushed herself off, glaring at her tripper. "Real funny, Luke." Her said with spite in her tone, "It is, when it happens to former IMC dogs like you." Luke replied, an evil smirk on his face. Melissa clenched her fist, her mind wandering to dark places before she took a deep breath and left.

The change rooms were empty, everyone was either out on the field or doing something else, the only person inside was Melissa. Her combat gear lay inside a locker, along side her rifle and pistol, ammo clips next to them. Melissa began to put on her armor, her mind thinking about her past. "Get on the ship Melissa, go!" A headache began to form, Melissa clutching her head at the painful memory. She shook her head and focused on putting the rest of her gear on.

Melissa exited the changing rooms, clutching her rifle to her chest and sliding her pistol into it's holster. A determined look on her face, she was going to prove herself to be a capable soldier to the others. Just because she used to be IMC doesn't mean that she supported their ways, she wanted to stop them from taking the Frontier, the destruction of Demeter and Typhon was enough in her eyes.

Rejoining her squad, she saw James standing infront of everyone, bay doors behind him and a knife in hand. "Ah, there you are. Was wondering if you had decided to take off instead." James gave a small nod towards Melissa before tossing his knfie to her. Melissa fumbled the catch and the knife clattered to the floor, she scrambled to pick it up. Melissa turned it over, the knife's blade was silver, with some sort of circutry in the middle and a trigger on the hilt.

"That, my friends is a Data Knife. It's something that can turn the tides of combat in it's users favour. Now, today's training op will be Protecting the V.I.P. The V.I.P in question will be Melissa." Melissa looked up with a mix of confusion and shock, why her? James gave a slight nod in Melissa's direction before continuing on. "As Melissa has the data knife, she can hack into computers and the sort. There is a hardpoint that must be hacked, and you must protect her. I've gotten some of the hacked IMC Spectres that our pilots have brought in from the field and given them concussive rounds. If you're hit by one of these, you're out. If Melissa gets hit, you all lose." James finished his brief and opened the bay doors behind him, revealing a massive battlefield, the hardpoint in the far distance.

"Go, go, go!" and with that, everyone charged in.

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