<Chapter 1>

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Melissa's eyes shot open, the sunlight coming through the holes in her wrecked Crow Dropship blinding her momentarily. Her ears ringing, muffling the sounds of gunfire all around her. Her vision began to clear, revealing the smashed insides of her dropship, and the corpses of her squadmates surrounding her. She turned her head groggily, looking towards the cockpit, the pilot slumped in the chair, dead. The ringing began to clear, allowing her to hear the distressed calls through the ship's radio, the gunfire and explosions came shortly after.

She pushed herself off the floor, her R-201 Assault Rifle lay next to one of her comrades bodies, its HCOG sight lay broken on the floor next to her. She stumbled a bit before balancing herself on the wall, her vision spinning. She shook her head, trying to stop the world from doing somersaults and almost making her puke. The ground shook with the thuds of titans falling from the sky, landing in order to do battle with the opposing side.

Melissa's heart began to race, her grey eyes darted to each corner of the ship searching for a way out when when something slammed into the ship, sending it rolling and throwing everything inside it in different directions, Melissa thrown towards the pilot's chair, her assault rifle following her.

The ship slammed into a nearby set of rocks, shattering the glass in the cockpit and throwing Melissa's assault rifle out. Melissa was slumpted against the controls with a clear sight of the battlefield. Bullets and energy projectiles flew across the battlefield as both IMC and Militia forces engaged in combat, the cloudy sky contained many different aircraft. Crows and Goblins swerved through the air, deploying Marines and Spectres before taking off to reinforce their respective armies. Drop pods burst through the atmosphere, containing Stalkers to assist in the fight, while Reapers jumped in from orbit, ready to eliminate their foes.

Melissa pushed herself off the console panel, letting out a small grunt of pain as her ankle was twisted in the ensuing crash. She gave a small look to the dead pilot next to her, wishing him well in the next life. Standing as straight as she could, she climbed out of the Crow, sliding out face first and landing on her back, yelping in pain. She lifted herself off the ground, taking a second to look around for her rifle.

Chaingun bullets slammed into the rocks infront of her, making her flinch in fear. She poked her head around the corner, seeing a battle between an IMC Legion and a Militia Vanguard, the Vanguard prevailing. Bullets rammed into the ground next to her, making her panic crawl back into cover as rubble rained on her from above. Melissa's heart was beating at an insane rate now, adrenaline coursing through her, numbing the pain in her leg. The bullets stopped, a few moments passed before the Legion slammed into the rocks and slumped to the floor, the pilot followed shortly, hitting the rocks with a crack as he fell to the ground, dead.

Melissa stood up slowly, trying to not put any pressure on her wounded leg, and limped forward, passing the broken body of the IMC pilot and the ruined wreck of the Legion. She turned the corner and came face to face with the Vanguard. The Vanguard looked down at her, its face opening up to reveal it's occupant.

The pilot exited the titan, running over to Melissa to assist her as the titan began cover fire on approaching IMC forces. "Melissa, are you alright?" The pilot grabbed her as she began to fall over, "I'm alright...I'm..." Melissa began to lose consciousness due to fatigue catching her as adrenaline abandoned her. "Hey, don't faint on me Melissa!" The pilot lightly slapped her in an attempt to prevent her from falling unconscious.

He laid her down on the ground gently, hand on the back of her head as her eyes rolled up into her head. The last thing she heard was a frantic call of a medical evac as her mind flashed to when this all began...

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