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Chapter One

Mitsukawa Ren's POV

After gaining my ability, the cursed 'The Whispers of the Ghosts', I suffered through so much.

First off, I went many nights without sleep. This was because of the howling and screaming of the ghosts around me begging to be saved, yelling their demands to be heard. I could never sleep which resulted in me developing mild insomnia. This affected me badly, to the point of me having to use the strongest sleep medicine I could get my tiny hands on. And even then my sleep was light.

Second was my sister's envy. It grew when my ability came forth. She was envious that I was such a good daughter, always listening to mother and father, never being bad, and to add an ability like mine...? It wasn't good.

Eriko took me away forcefully. Our parents had been murdered when we turned 8 years old and rather than stick around only to be put in an orphanage and be forgotten or even murdered as well, we ran.

My twin sister, Eriko, is like me... but not. She has her own ability, "Sweet Damnation", which allows her to emotionally manipulative the mentally weak to do whatever she wants them to. After it came forth, she turned cruel. Manipulative. She would berate me until my self-confidence disappeared and was replaced with self-loathing. This made me weak enough for her ability to be used on me.

The first time she used her ability on me was the day we were attacked by police. The people called it 'a murder spree' but for us it was self-defense. We would have been killed, big sister told me after, if I had not stepped in. The fiery claws had descended over my shoulders and clamped tightly, thoughts I'd never had imagined chanted and thrown into my head.

After my touch had been delivered, they all turned on each other, shooting at each other in a panicked frenzy. That day six policemen died, one went into a coma that they would never wake from, and the other three that survived a glimpse of my reality were rendered mentally insane, locked away in an insane asylum for the rest of their lives. It was horrible to see what my ability could do.

I lost the capability to sleep once again, as I could not show my face in public anymore, more or less in a pharmacy. I was wanted by the police, being a dangerous criminal after all. Even now I cannot show myself in public without either an escape route being nearby or a disguise.

I could not redeem myself anymore in the world of the living. So I tried in the world of the dead, of the ghosts. I tended to disguise myself as Yamada Hanako, an average school girl with an ability able to solve any crime, and helped the police. This allowed those spirits not at rest a chance for peace in their eternal rest.

This name, Yamada Hanako, is one of two names used for those whose identities are unknown in criminal cases, the other being Yamada Taro. And it fit me just right.

Why am I telling you this, you might be asking yourself? Why not save my sob story for another time? You need to know, to understand what my motive was for seeking him.

Nakajima Atsushi. Or as I had dubbed him in my mind, Atsu-tan.

I laid in wait in the alleyway. A few days ago, I had come into contact with a former maid that I had befriended while my parents were alive. She agreed to help me get to Atsushi in return for information. Of course, I would play the mysterious role of Yamada Hanako, the informative detective. It was one of my more elaborate disguises.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2018 ⏰

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