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This story is in different characters POV so look out for the bold writing.


Harry's POV
I was going to practice a few more hours tonight so I decided to wright my beautiful fiancé a letter to tell her.I pulled out some parchment  and ink and began to write.
Tonight I'm practicing later than usual so I'll be home around 9:30, please don't be mad because it was my decision. When I get home we can watch a film or too and then do whatever you want to. I love you see you later.
From, the person you can't resist.

Hermione's POV
I lay there staring at the fireplace and waiting for the door to open.He was bound to be home anytime now. Around half an hour later I heard faint pecks on the window. Even though the war was over around a year ago a few death eaters are still out there and I'm not taking any chances, I pulled out my wand and edged towards the window. I peered outside to see what was there and was greeted by two big, beady eyes ."Hegwig, it's you!" I spoke opening the window. She flew inside and landed on the fireplace. I walked over to her and she stuck her leg out.

I untied the letter from her leg and read it quietly with a grin plastered on my face. 'Perfect' I thought. I immediately began to wright my own letter...
Now's my chance he's staying late so we have around and hour and 30 so get Ron's arse over here NOW!
Ok she better be here soon.

Ginny' s POV
It's time I'm so happy for her but if Harry doesn't feel happy about it it's not gonna be very happy for her or them. But he's a nice guy so that probably won't happen but it's a possibility right..?

Harry's POV
It was my last 5 minutes on the pitch before I could go home and shower, just thinking about being with her is the best feeling I could possibly have, well maybe being with her..(   ;)   )...I was racing at full speed to beat Draco to the snitch, when the snitch flew down I was about to do my famous dive when the timer rang in my ears and we had to leave the pitch.

Draco's POV
Finally,I had to get him to work over time for her to do this, I hope she's done it. But damn working overtime on you b-day that's hard if this fails now I give up on life.

Harry's POV
I stood in the changing room with Draco waiting for him to finish putting his broom away, it seems like he's stalling but I didn't want to question. He insisted on coming over tonight to celebrate but I wanted to spend time with Mione but he still begged and I gave in. We apparated to the front of my house and entered it was dark and silent."I don't think this is the best time to come over.." I whispered thinking she was angry.

Before I could get him to go he saw a red box on the floor with a note underneath the bow, the note read..
I went to bed early tonight because I was extremely tired and didn't feel like doing anything here's your present we'll do something tomorrow for you.
Love, Hermione.
I felt a ping of pain in my heart but she means well so I shook it off, I beckoned Draco in and smelt something to do with icing." Lumos!" I quietly said. On the side I saw a cake with nothing on it. Draco came and took the cake from my view and started to place and candles on it, he proceeded to whisper something under his breath but I couldn't quite hear what.

Before he turned around I felt two fragile arms wrap round my waist from behind. I turned around to see Hermione and Ginny smiling at me." I thought you were in bed?" I asked confused." I was but I was waiting for you." She replied. I raised my eyebrow in confusion. I started to turn around and see what Draco was doing but she grabbed my face and kissed me." Are you ok..?" I asked concerned. She nodded her head and pointed to the box that I had put onto the side I picked it up, opened it and inside was four shirts saying 01 King, 01 queen, 01 prince, 01 princess. Underneath was a watch with a photo of us on graduation day 2 months after we got together, she was on my back and laughing and I had my graduation hat over my eyes but I was happy knowing I was with her. "Is this the before and after shirts for our wedding?"  She didn't reply she just laughed whilst looking behind me. I turned around  and read the cake.

This is what it looked like:

This is what it looked like:

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"Wait, babe I'm confused.." I asked wondering what it meant."Surprise...?" She spoke.I raised my eyebrow and heard Ginny speak up." Merlin Harry your fiancé is pregnant!" I looked at Draco then Ginny and needed at Hermione. She looked scared but when ran I ran to her and showered her with kisses she soon started to cry.

9 months later..Hermione's POV
"Harry James Potter! I HATE U!" I screamed as the nurse commanded me to breath steadily." I love you too Hermione jean Potter!"He shouted over my screams of pain.
An hour later:
"There beautiful Harry." I whispered in disbelief."I know, were 18 with TWO baby's but even if we were 14 I couldn't care less, also that means we could put those shirts to good use!" He spoke softly.

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