Clenching her fist against Lauren's chest, Grace struggles to open her eyes.

"You're tired." Lauren mumbled. "I am too."

Humming, the baby slowly falls asleep, still sucking on Lauren's nipple.

"She asleep?" Lucy asks, walking into the living room, Jaden was finally asleep in his crib.

Lauren nodded.

"Do you want to try and put her in her crib tonight?" Lucy asks softly, she wanted a night with just them.

Lauren shrugged. She looked up at Lucy. "I don't know if she'll sleep."

"I mean we can try." The older girl says softly.

Lauren nodded. "Yeah. I need a break." She admitted.

Smiling, Lucy gently reaches down to take Grace from Lauren.

The baby released a soft whine as Lauren's nipple fell from her mouth.

Lauren fixed her bra and shirt.

Grace began fidgeting in Lucy's arms before her eyes flutter open and her bottom lip begins to pout out.

Lucy looked at Grace. "Go back to sleep. Lauren needs some sleep too."

A soft cry escapes the baby and she begins kicking her feet.

Lucy shook her head. She carried the little girl into the nursery and laid her down. "Cry yourself to sleep." She said quietly, leaving the room.

Grace's cry quickly grew louder before Jaden's identical cry joined in the mix.

Lucy closed the door and made her way to her and Lauren's bedroom. "They need to learn to go back to sleep on their own. They are old enough for that now."

Biting her lip, Lauren nods her head, fighting the urge to go and get Grace. They hadn't really slept apart in almost two months.

"Hey, She'll be okay." Lucy said. "She'll need to get used to this." She moved over to Lauren and pulled her into her arms. "It'll be okay."

Burying her face in Lucy's neck, Lauren takes a deep breath and tries not to cry.

"She'll be okay." Lucy rubbed Lauren's back. "I promise."

"She needs me." Lauren sobs out, gripping onto Lucy's shirt.

"Yes. But she needs to learn to sleep on her own." Lucy said.

The younger girl shakes her head and continues to softly sob. "She needs me."

"Laur, listen to me. She needs this. You need this. We need this." Lucy said. "We need some time in our own bed tonight."

Swallowing thickly, Lauren nods her head. "I'll try."

Lucy nodded. "Okay."

After two hours, Grace was still crying while Jaden was sound asleep.

"Laur, please relax." Lucy begged the younger girl. "She'll be okay."

Shaking her head, Lauren fights the urge to get up and grab Grace. "It's been two hours."

"It'll take her some time but she needs to get used to sleeping in her own bed otherwise she'll be a nightmare later on when she's older." Lucy said calmly.

"I just, I need to check on her." Lauren says softly, pulling away from Lucy and making her way to the nursery.

Grace was laying in her crib, crying and kicking her feet, tiny tears rolling down her cheeks.

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