Final Chapter

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Chapter 14

All the creatures in Taylor's lair were changed back into their mer-people form, even the king, who quickly found his trident and crown thanks to Zayn and Liam.

"Where's Lou-" The king began, only to be silenced quickly by his son, who flung himself into his father's arms.

"Daddy," Louis sighed, holding him close. King Triton hugged him tightly, stroking his son's hair.

"Daddy," Louis began to cry, "I'm sorry I caused all of this. I didn't mean-"

"Louis," The sea king interrupted him, "you had every right to be upset with me. Granted, you shouldn't have run away like that, but look around you."

Louis swiped at his eyes and lifted his head from his father's shoulder. He finally noticed the other mer-people that had been freed from Taylor's curse and reunited with their families.

"You've rescued so many merfolk, you've defeated the sea witch, and you've saved the entire ocean from an evil dictator!" Triton exclaimed, laughing softly. "I couldn't be anymore proud."

Louis smiled softly, before quietly adding, "It wasn't just me."

"Well, yes, Zayn and Liam did-"

"No," Louis interrupted, "I mean, they did help, loads, and Niall did as well, but there was also someone else."

Triton furrowed his eyebrows together in confusion. Zayn swam up to Louis, hesitantly.

"I know where he is," Zayn whispered to Louis.

Louis smiled at him, before turning back and motioning to his father to follow Zayn and him.


Louis sat on top of a rock as he looked longingly at Harry, who was still asleep on the beach. Triton and Zayn were swimming several meters behind Louis, but they could still see the prince.

"He really does love him, doesn't he, Zayn?" The king asked.

Zayn nodded, smiling softly, "It's like I always say, Your Majesty, 'Children have to be free to live their own life'."

"You always say that?" The sea king raised a disbelieving eyebrow. Zayn shrugged, smiling sheepishly.

"Well," the king sighed, "I guess there's just one problem left."

"And what's that, Your Majesty?" Zayn asked, curiously.

"How much I'm going to miss him," Triton answered. Zayn looked up at the king, realization slowly dawning on his face. The king raised his glowly trident and aimed it at his unknowing son.

From the corner of his eye, Louis could see something shining. He looked around before noticing that it was him, more specifically his tail. Louis' eyes grew wide as he smiled brightly up at his father, who smiled and nodded his head towards the beach before sinking back underwater.

Luckily, his father had also thought to grant Louis some shorts, so he wasn't completely naked.


Harry groaned as he woke up with the sun shining directly into his face. He rubbed his eyes and sat up, blinking a few times before he was able to regain his vision.

Harry finally noticed where he was sitting and quickly remembered why.

Louis. Louis was still out there and he needed to find hi-

"Harry?" A soft voice asked.

Harry looked out at the ocean and noticed someone sitting on top of a rock. He squinted slightly before recognizing the tan, toned, and shirtless boy.

"Louis?!" He called out, standing up but staying on the sand. He was unsure if he should run after him or if it was no use because- well, the love of his life was a merman. Not that Harry cared, but would Louis even be allowed to speak to him, let alone marry him? Could Louis ever come to live with him on land again?

"Hi love," Louis waved, before diving into the water.

"Wait!" Harry called out, taking only a few steps before freezing.

Louis' head poked out from under the water, before his bare torso emerged, then finally, his legs.

"Lou," Harry breathed, "legs. You have legs!"

Louis chuckled, "I know love. My father gave them back to me, so that we could be together."

Harry smiled widely, before the two boys could handle it no longer. Louis and Harry ran towards each other, Harry quickly lifting Louis into the air and spinning him around. Louis giggled, holding onto Harry's shoulders tightly as the boy stumbled slightly in the water.

Harry placed Louis back down, before cupping his face softly. The two boys leaned in and, finally, shared their first kiss.


"I pronounce you partners for life," the minister finished, "You may now kiss your groom."

Louis and Harry smiled before leaning in and sealing their marriage. All the guests aboard the wedding ship cheered, along with the guests that were swimming alongside them. Nick handed his handkerchief to Lou, who wiped a happy tear from her eye.

Louis and Harry walked closer to the railing to wave at the mer-people below. Louis spotted his sisters, who were waving wildly at him. Louis chuckled, waving goofily back. Niall suddenly flew up, holding Liam with his feet and balancing Zayn on his head. Louis kissed all three of his friends on top of their heads, before Niall winked and lowered them back down to the water.

Louis shifted over and smiled as his father waved his trident and controlled the water to lift him up towards his son. Louis threw his arms around his father, hugging him tightly.

"I love you, Daddy," Louis whispered, as he pulled away with his eyes brimming with tears. King Triton looked over Louis' shoulder at Harry, who bowed politely at him. Triton held out his hand, and Harry stepped forward. Harry took his hand, thinking he wanted to politely shake, but the sea king had other plans. King Triton pulled Harry close and hugged him just as tightly as he had hugged Louis and whispered in Harry's ear, "Take care of him."

"I will," Harry promised, as they pulled away. Harry turned and wrapped one arm around Louis' waist, pulling him close. Louis hugged Harry tightly before the couple waved together to everyone below.

As his final goodbye, King Triton waved his trident across the sky, creating a beautiful rainbow as the ship sailed away. Harry and Louis stared up at it, both grinning widely before turning to each other and sharing another loving kiss.



Oh my gosh, I'm gonna cry. Thank you everyone who dealt with my horrible updating and to everyone who commented. I love you all and I'm glad you liked this story. I can't believe this story has 3K reads already! It's insane and makes me giddy every time I check my stats.

If you'd like to read more of my parodies, then just check my profile!

Again, I love you guys and thanks again for everything. xxx

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