Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

On a small, rocky island, a seagull sat lounging in his nest, looking around with a telescope. He started fiddling with it as he hummed absentmindedly. "Niall!" He heard a familiar voice yell. The seagull scrambled to hold the telescope back up to his eyes. Once he looked through, he could see a small merman and fish in the distance.

"Woah!" He screamed, recognizing them, "Merman off the port bow!" Louis and Liam leaned back at Niall's volume. Niall, mistakenly, held the telescope backwards, making it seem like they were far away, when they were actually right in front of him.

"Louis!" Niall yelled again, "How you doing kid!?" He lowered the telescope, then raised his eyebrows, "Woah, you're a fast swimmer." Louis shook his head, smiling. "We found some more treasures!" He announced, holding up his bag. "More?" Niall asked, excitedly, "let me take a look!" He flapped down towards Louis and grabbed the bag. He started searching through then gasped, pulling out the fork. "Well, would you look at that!" Niall exclaimed. "What," Louis asked, excitedly, "what is it?!"

"It's a dinglehopper!" Niall announced, holding up the fork proudly. "Humans use this," He began explaining, "to straighten their hair out." He began comb through his feathers and spiking them up. "With a pull and twirl here, tada! You've got a fabulous new hairdo!" He posed, handing back the dinglehopper to Louis. "A dinglehopper," Louis breathed, fascinated. "What about this one," Liam asked, pointing to the pipe that was sticking out of Louis' bag. "This," Niall said, holding up the pipe, "I haven't seen in years."

Louis and Liam watched in anticipation. "This is... a banded, bulbous, snarfblatt!" Niall declared, holding it towards the duo, who gawked excitedly.

Niall started to explain, "Now the snarfblatt dates back to prehistorical times when humans used to just sit around," he paused and came face to face with Louis so they were beak to nose, "and stare at each other all day... That's very boring."

"So," Niall continued, pulling away, and holding up the snarflax. "They invented this snarfblatt to make fine music. Allow me." A put the small end into his mouth and blew, only to blow out seaweed and sand. As he coughed and stuttered, Louis gasped, "Music!"

"It's stuck!" Niall coughed.

"Oh, the concert! My father's gonna kill me!" Louis groaned, packing up his dinglehopper and snarfblatt. "The concert was today?" Liam gasped. "I'm sorry, I have to go," Louis and Liam began swimming away. Louis turned back to the rock, "Thank you Niall!"

"Anytime, buddy," Niall called, resting back into his nest. "Anytime."


As Louis and Liam began swimming home, two eels, each with one glowing eye, watched them closely.

As her crystal bubble glowed with the image of the young prince and his fish friend, Taylor, the sea witch, teased, "Yes, hurry home Prince. We wouldn't want to miss old Daddy's celebration now, would we?"

"Ha!" She scoffed, "Celebration indeed. Oh bah! In my day, we had fantastical feasts, when I lived in the palace." With her long fingers, she plucked out a shrimp from her seashell plate and stuffed it into her mouth. "And now look at me," she whined, "Wasted away to practically nothing.

"Banished, and exiled, and practically starving," She turned harshly towards her bubble, glaring, "while he and his flimsy fish folk celebrate!" She untangled her octopus legs from her cavern-like bed and circled around her glowing bubble. "Well, I'll give them something to celebrate about."

She turned her attention towards the Prince and his friend, "LOKI! HATCHI!"

Her pet eels, who were following Louis and Liam, jumped at her sudden raise in volume. "I want you to keep an extra close watch on this little prince of his."

She stared, evilly smiling, at the bubble, "He may be the key to Triton's undoing."


Thank you everyone for reading this! I appreciate your comments and votes!

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