Chapter 8 - The Mission

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Just pretend it's you in the picture <3


You wiped your tears from your cheeks and decided to get some food. It was nine A.M after all.

You walked towards the kitchen and saw Steve eating his breakfest.

"Goodmorning Y/N"

"Goodmorning Steve"

"Are you alright?"

"Yes, why wouldn't I be?"

"Your eyes are red. Did you cry?"


He gave you a sad look

"Still not over?"

"I don't think it'll ever be"

You walked to the kitchen counter and got your poptarts.

You heard someone stepping into the kitchen.

"Hello there"

You heard Tony say

"General Kenobi"

You turned around and smiled


Steve said happily.

"Actually it's general Stark"

"Shut up Stark."

You smiled and walked to the table.

"No hot choco this morning?"

"I'm not in the mood."

Steve choked on his food.


You two burst out laughing.

Two houres later

You were watching tv with Loki, Sam and Wanda

Steve walked in

"Why are you still in your pajamas Y/N?

"I didn't feel like changing."

Then the tv fell out and you saw director Fury's head.

"Avengers, we have a situation in Central Park, I would like some help from you guys."

"Who do you need?"

Steve said

"Tony, Wanda, Sam, Clint and Y/N. I would like to see you there in fifteen minutes."

The screen fell out

"Looks like you're going to have to change now."

You sighed and walked to your bedroom.

Fifteen minutes later, in Central Park

You looked around and saw people laying on the ground.

"What the hell happend here?"

Tony said

"Clint, can you see anything?"

Clint was sitting on the top of a building, holding binoculars in his hands.

"Two o'clock, maybe ten meters away. In the bushes."

"Copy that. Y/N, please show them what happens when they try to sneak up on us."

You walked towards the bush, pretending you didn't know anyone was in there. Then you quickly pulled your gun and shot through it. You saw a girl of maybe nine years fall down at the ground. You dropped your weapon.

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