"I'm a Queen, I shouldn't be this irresponsible." I said.

"Maryse, you're human first before a Queen, you're allowed to make mistakes in your personal life. This does not affect you as a Queen." She said.

"Renee, you don't understand." I said.

"Yes, I do. You're running away from what you might feel Harry because of Andre, and I hate to break it to you, Maryse, but Harry is not Andre because Harry is a Prince so he's used to this life. He will not make up excuses on why he can't commit to you. I think this is a blessing. You need a man who will help you and support you and Harry is that guy. Give him a chance, Maryse." She said.

"I don't know, Renee. I can't deal with this right now." I said.

"Stop being stubborn and go enjoy your last day in England before you come back to France." Renee said.


"Hello, Maryse, I thought I told you not to knock and just walk in." Kate said as she open her apartment door for me.

"I know, but I'm too polite." I said.

"Whatever, and William is in the living room." She said.

"Great, I need to talk to the both of you about something." I said as we walked to the living room.

"What's wrong?" Kate asked as we joined William in the living room.

"I did something terrible." I answered.

"What did you do?" William asked.

"I lost my virginity." I replied.

"What?" Kate asked.

"You were a virgin when you slept with Harry." William said.

"Oh my God! He told you guys, didn't he? I can't believe he couldn't keep it a secret." I said.

"To be fair, you were about to do the same thing." Kate said.

"Maryse, you let Harry take your virginity?" William asked.

"I know, I was drunk and it's a mistake that I'm going to have to live with." I said.

"That's not what, Harry, told us." Kate said.

"We see what happened from two completely different views." I said.

"But yet here you are about ask advice about how to deal with your feelings for him that doesn't seem to be different between the both of you." William said.

"Oh please don't tell you guys believe that." I said.

"Oh we do, we can't wait until you finally see it. Harry is in love with you and I know you have feelings for him." William said.


Chateau de Fontainebleau, of The Kings and Emperors of France

Chateau de Fontainebleau, of The Kings and Emperors of France

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"Bienvenue à la maison, Votre Majesté." Jerald, my driver said as I got out of the car and stood in front of my home, the Chateau de Fontainebleau.

"Merci, Jerald." I said as I began to walk into the castle.

"Oh bon tu es à la maison, Maryse." My sister, Natalie said as she wobbles over to me.

"I see you're still pregnant." I said.

"I know, this baby is stubborn just like his father." She said.

"Well my nephew just take your time." I said rubbing her belly.

"So Renee tells me you hooked up with the most eligible bachelor in the world." She said.

"Renée, a une grande gueule." I said.

"Oh please, you know she can't keep anything to herself but Maryse, I thought you were going to be a Vierge reine forever." She said as we walked into the living room A.

"I know, but still I don't want everyone knowing." I said.

"Too late for that, mother thinks you're already pregnant." She said.

"What?!" I exclaimed.

"Yes, she demands to meet the man who deflowered her daughter and she's talking marriage." She said.

"Ugh, I should've never told Renee." I said.

"There's a lot of things you're going to have to fix around here including a guest room in your apartment." She said.

"Why?" I asked.

"The ginger prince has managed to follow you to France." She answered.

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