Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Maya! If you don't get up now we'll be late to first lesson again!" I called to my lazy roommate. 

She only groaned and hid under the covers more mumbling something incoherent. I just sighed; Maya definitely was not a morning person it seriously takes me about an hour to get her lazy ass outta bed. 

"I didn't want to have to do this but you leave me no choice!" I sang cheerfully. 

I whipped the covers from her quickly causing her to roll out of bed and onto the floor with a very loud grunt causing me to laugh loudly at her reaction. 

"Ahh! Lulu what did you go and do that for? I was having the nicest dream; you’re so mean to me!" Maya whined standing up and stretching out. 

"Well I wouldn't have to be so mean if you got your lazy ass outta bed in the mornings" I laughed. 

"Lulu! There is no need for name calling! I am who I am so just deal with it!" She huffed like a stubborn child walking into the bathroom. 

Maya was a very lazy and outspoken person, during every lesson she would be asleep but still manages to be at the top of her classes. Honestly I had no idea how she did it because she would either be sleeping or with her new boy toys. 

Oh don't get me wrong Maya's not a slut or anything she only sleeps with whom she's in a relationship but that girl does get around, I mean it's not hard for her she's a looker, with her hour glass figure, toned body, her shining brown hair that stopped just below her shoulders makes any guy jump at the chance to be with her and a few girls too. 

I on the other hand was just average with long black hair, constant rosy cheeks and unique dark blue eyes that can be sometimes mistaken for black. I was quite tall and slender as well as fit but I never really show it like the other girls like to do, I don't even wear make-up unless it's a spearman occasion since I always believed in natural beauty. 

I heard the shower turn off so I decided to go into our kitchen and whip up some breakfast for the two of us. I managed to make a stack of pancakes with bacon before Maya came out of the room dressed in her uniform. 

"Record timing!" I grinned at her. 

She huffed as she crossed her arms and looked the other way ignoring me, so she wants to play like that then? Game on. 

"Oh so it's the silent treatment well then if your just gonna ignore me then I'll just have to eat all the breakfast by myself" I shrugged. 

I saw Maya stare down the stack of pancakes and bacon out of the corner of her eye. I smiled as I placed a pancake and bacon on my plate and poured some syrup on them as I took a bite I started to moan about how good they are. 

"Okay! I forgive you now give me some food!" Maya whined grabbing for some food. 

I acted quickly and pulled the plate away from her as I slapped her hand and gave her a stern look. 

"Nicely now!" I ordered. 

"Fine! Lulu you're the bestest ever and I love you, now please can I have some food?" She pouted. 

I rolled by eyes and nodded as I took another bite of my breakfast. She squealed in excitement as she placed six pieces of bacon and five pancakes on her plate, did I mention she eats like a starved wolf? Well now I did and I seriously have no idea where she puts it all. 

"Seriously Maya you eat like a ton of food a day, where does it all go?" I asked amused. 

"My boobs" She said with her mouth full so it was muffled making me laugh. 

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