Chapter 21

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"Do you like it?" mom asked, referring to my wedding gown.

"It's fine," I answered.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?"

"Mom, can we keep this marriage private?"

"I wish I can do that, but we have to let everyone know,"

"Okay, if she ever finds out about this, just please, please don't let her be one of the guests inside; I don't want her to hurt herself,"

"I'll try, sweetie,"

"Okay, can I take this gown off now?" She nodded.

"I will call you later to choose for the reception area," I nodded.

I wish I can choose my groom too.


"Sorry, I didn't know which flavor you like, so I picked chocolate,"

"Thanks, Kenneth,"

"I'm glad you're finally pronouncing my name right," I chuckled.


"I'm glad you're smiling,"

"Yeah... but this---" I pointed my index finger to my chest "---still hurts,"

"It feels like dying," I heard him chuckle.

"How can you even compare death to a heartache when you never even experienced death itself?" He chuckled.

"Have you?" He nodded.

"Saving her--- I don't think it was worth it; she replaced me so fast anyway,"

"Car accident?" He nodded.

"When I was unconscious, my memory was fading; there was only... euphoria and... someone,"


"Don't know, it was too bright,"

I heard my phone rang and I answered it.

"Are you ready, sweetie?"

"Can we meet later?"

"Sure, I'll text you the places we're going to go,"

"Bye, mom,"

"Bye, sweetie,"

"So anyway, back to you, what are you going to do now?"

"I don't know. If I disobeyed my parents' will, they will terminate our deal and disown me. I have no choice but to marry this person,"

"You can always run away,"

"You dummy, they'd still terminate our deal, and running doesn't solve anything,"

"Do you still love her?"

"I just don't want them to suffer---"

"You're avoiding my question--- do you?"

I sighed, "Yes, more than anyone, more than anything in this world,"

I heard him sighed.

"I used to be like that, giving her everything she wants, everything she needs---- my world only revolves around her,"

"Why did she left if you gave her everything?"

"Sometimes, even if you gave everything to someone... they'll still be greedy,"

I caress his back, "You'll find someone,"

He smiled at me, "Yeah..."

"Kenneth... thanks for being here,"

"No problem,"

We continued eating our ice cream. Out of nowhere, my eyes caught a glimpse of the girl who just came inside; she was with the guy who she hugged back at the cafe.

"Can we go now?"

"Right now?"

"Yes, right now,"

I looked back to her again, and our eyes met.

"Katalina?" I looked back at Kenneth.

"Let's go," I quickened my pace, and so did he.

"Hey, slow down," Kenneth said


I was already running before I knew it.

Why? Why do I have to see her again?

Someone grabbed my right arm.

"Ke---" my body froze.

How did she catch up?

She was breathing heavily too. I tried to take back my arm, but she grasps it tighter.

"Let go!" She shook her head no

"I just... it's not what you think. He's not my boyfriend, he's---"

"I don't care who he is to you. Stay away from me!"

"Katalina..." Her grip loosened until she let go.

Her eyes were teary. Even if I use all of my strength, I couldn't contain myself from hugging her.

"Shh... Please, don't cry," But she continued crying.

Jeez... this hurts way worst.

"I can't...."

I loosened our hug and held her face, wiping away her tears.

She held my face and kissed me by surprise.

She has no idea how much she affects me.



"I know I'm being selfish right now, but can you wait for me."


"When the right time comes. I promise to marry you someday and--- and we will live happily ever after."

"I want to marry you now."

"Me too, but the only thing we can do right now is to wait."

"Okay. Promise you'll marry me someday?"

I kiss her one last time before leaving her.

I'm sorry. I don't know if I can marry you at all... I'm sorry.

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