The Reverie Injection.

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In the middle of the journey of our life I came to myself within a dark wood where the straight way was lost.”

~Dante Alighieri.

     My name's Clairvoyance Mckinley. But everybody calls me Royan. People know me as an Experimental Failure because that's precisely what I am. I'm met with contempt and disdain. Pity and pride. Nevertheless, people also know that I helped create what we all know as The Injection.

     The only reason that the others know that I'm an Experimental Failure is due to the tattoo on the bottom of my wrist. “V3” it says. Nobody knows what it means. We aren't supposed to. But people unconsciously have the tendency to migrate towards me. They find a form of peacefulness. Little do they know that it's because I'm forced to take away their pain and make it my own. The only way to make it leave is with The Injection that I helped to create.

     You see, although The Injection is singular, it's actually a series of an unknown liquid that's injected into a person's bloodstream. Different syringes of The Injection serve for different purposes. In a world such as ours, the only place to get away is with The Reverie Injection.

     The Reverie Injection's a method that allows a person to metaphorically go to the lowest parts of his or her soul and witness his or her deepest secrets. It lets me escape from reality, which is why The Injection's as popular as it is. It hurts to feel so much. It's pure torture to go through this every day. Experiencing the sufferings of people I don't care to know.


Character banner is made by 1Dsavedmyheart.

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