Part 1

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"You have a new assignment, freak."
The oh-so-endearing pet name that you were branded with had long lost its sting. The man who had held you captive most of your life bent down and unlocked the heavy chains encircling your wrists, leering at you as he did so.
You'd gotten used to the cruelty over the years, stolen by the thing in front of you from your family when you were a child and forced to pick pockets. You assume the wicked wizard of the west targeted you for your telekinetic abilities. As your skills and powers grew with every sleight of hand and trick, the memory of the life you had before faded- along with your hope of ever escaping and finding your family. You could have used your skills and abilities to escape a long time ago, but your captor ensured you couldn't leave by slipping you something that ceased your powers until he wanted you to use them.
You winced as you rubbed the tender, sore skin on your wrists. After all of these years, the chains were the one thing you couldn't get used to. Your throat was scratchy and dry from going a day without water and it burned when you whispered, "Who is it today?"
The man handed you a small metal bowl of water and you sighed at the insinuation. Biting back any comments, having learnt your lesson last time, you drank the water until it was gone and all that was left was your reflection.
You tried to wipe some of the dirt off of your face, but you only managed to smudge and smear the mess covering your face.
You flinched and stepped back as the man who enslaved you came close to you, and you held your breath as his hand came towards your face. Instead of a harsh blow like you were expecting, the man used his hand and a bit of water to wipe your face clean. You forced yourself to stare at the small, peachy scar on the corner of his left eye as he did so, not wanting to meet his cold eyes.
"That's nothing for you to worry about. The only thing you need to know is what the man looks like. His cloak is crimson and his dark hair is tied away from his face. The medallion should be in his horse's saddle bag."
You nodded in confirmation just as your captor began detangling your knotted hair. You flinched from the pain but knew that it had to be done for you to blend in and evade being caught.
When the man finished making you more presentable, he gave you a light shove out of the stable in which he kept you. His eyes stayed on your back as you traveled up the path in the direction your captor motioned to.
You kept walking until you saw a man that matched the description your captor gave you, a nervous smile forming as you called out, "Excuse me?"
The man turned to look at you and the first thing you noticed was the kindness in his eyes. Your own eyes welled with tears from your guilt, but luckily for you that only aided in your deception.
"I-I'm afraid I've lost my way. Could you tell me which direction I should take to the market?"
The stranger's expression softened from pity. As he leaned closer to show you the way, you moved the hand hanging at your side slightly up and to the left. You had guided the medallion out of the saddle bag and in less than a second your hand closed around the cool metal.
You hid the medallion in your grey cloak as the stranger fixed his eyes on you and you flashed him a grateful smile.
"Thank you, I don't know what I would have done if you weren't here."
The man bid you a good day and you headed in the direction he told you to go.
You followed the routine of your typical job, taking the medallion to be sold before the owner realized it was missing. As you approached the busy traffic of people and neared the edge of the market, you appraised the object you now held in your hand. The medallion was a touch smaller than the palm of your hand and gleamed in the sunlight. It must have been made of gold, and on the front of the medallion rubies, emeralds, and sapphires shimmered. Your gaze was drawn to the larger, amber-colored stone in the middle. You turned the medallion over and your eyes widened as you read the inscription.
The medallion belonged to Asgardian royalty and the words etched into the metal were those of Queen Frigga.
Your head ached as you tried to figure out why your captor had given you this assignment. Surely he must not have known the significance of the medallion.
At once, you turned in the direction you came. You had to return this, there was no way you could sell it- no matter the consequences. Tucking the medallion back in your pocket, the noise of the crowd faded with every step you took. Just as the ruckus had almost completely diminished, you heard an urgent voice say, "That's the one. Seize that thief!"
Your eyes widened in fear and you started to run but your path was blocked by royal guards. There were two of them, and each guard roughly grabbed onto one of your arms.
And that was how you found yourself in the palace.
The next part is in the making. Loki will make an appearance in the next one, I promise. Also, let me know which cover you like better: the one set for the story or the one on this part. Thanks for reading!!

The Lost Asgardian (A Loki X Reader Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant