"N-No one–"

"Doyoung! Taeil! Where are you guys going?"

A voice called out behind them, making the group freeze in their place. Doyoung cursed under his breath, giving Yeona a 'we're fucked' look.

Yeona knew that voice, but she prayed that maybe, just maybe, it wasn't him. Even still, she could feel herself shake on the inside, her hand on the verge of slipping out of Doyoung's.

They all slowly turned around to see the one person they were hoping to avoid. There stood a confused Taeyong, holding hands with a slim girl, with a drink in his other.

Yeona was blown away. She couldn't even believe the girl was real, it was the first time she could properly take in her features. She was stunning, to her expectations. Her dark silky hair cascaded behind her shoulders, her toned legs hugged by the fabric of her leggings, matched with a high neck sweater. Her outfit wasn't like most girls here, she was almost classy about it, which made Yeona feel a certain way.

Their visuals when standing together though, was something else. They both had this cunning aura around them that made her feel almost like a peasant, like she was unworthy to even look at them.

There is no way Taeyong scored this prestigious girl just by being 'himself'. Looking past his looks, he was a literal goldfish. There's no way she would date this idiot for free. He paid her... he had to have paid her....

Yeona was brought back to reality when she noticed Taeyong squinting at her. He leaned closer, getting a better look at who it was. He found it bizarre that Doyoung was holding hands with a random girl. He couldn't understand why. He wasn't the type to hold hands with someone he didn't know , nor was he the type to bring someone back to his dorm.

Yet soon enough, it finally hit him. He instantly dropped his grasp on his girlfriend's hand and narrowed his eye at the girl in front of him, "Yeona!?"

Taeyong couldn't believe it was her, he could barely recognize the girl from her attire. Her shorts showing off her milky skin, her makeup clean and soft. This wasn't how she would show up to class. It was different, and for some reason, he too felt different.

Yeona smiled awkwardly, giving him a swift wave, "Yep, that's me."

Taeyong rolled his eyes, passing his half empty drink over to his girl before approaching Yeona.

Yeona felt herself take a step back, almost afraid of what he would do to her. He wouldn't hurt her, would he? No, he wouldn't. He wasn't the violent type, maybe he would just curse her out until her ears bled? Yes, lets hope its just that.

"What the fucking hell are you doing here? Didn't I tell you not to fucking come?" Taeyong emphasized 'not', as if to see if she understood the meaning of the word.

"Oh I'm just here to get litty with random strangers. You know, musical chairs, charades, pin the tail on the donkey. You know, your typical party games, that's what this is right? A party?" She replied sarcastically, giving him a fake smile.

Doyoung raised an eyebrow at her while Haechan and Kun snickered, unsure why her mood suddenly turned 180, as if she wasn't shaking in her shoes seconds ago.

Taeyong rolled his eyes, again, "This is no time to be joking, Yeona. I told you it's too dangerous to be here–"

"Yeah her friends got into a fight earlier, that's how we found her." Doyoung chimed in.

Haechan, Taeil and Kun couldn't help but laugh seeing the devilish glare Yeona was sending Doyoung. She hit him in the gut, making him groan in pain as he clutched his stomach, "Could have left that part out you lil sh–"

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