He lurched forward and wrapped his arms around me in a hug, but yet awkward because of the way we were sitting.
"I don't understand."
"U-understand what..?" Dang, me and my random studdering.

"Why I like you so much."
5 snuggled deeply into my chest.
It was...comforting. and warm. And nice.

"1.." he whispered, "I'm sorry for staring at you. I was nervous. I didn't now what to do. I didn't know what to do with myself."
My face was already dark in a blush.
"Its-uh- " I was twitching with nervousness, "I-i had no clue you really-"

He interrupted me my lightly tugging on my hood. He looked up at me and I looked at him, eyes shining in the sunsetted windows.

His head slowly gravitated toward mine, and I couldn't justify moving away.

H-he...kissed me..!

He wasn't very long about it, just a short kiss.

He pulled back and his eyes were big and wide. He smiled, too.
I had no clue what to do, but I stared back into his eyes, my face almost legitimately exploding from heat.
"Y-you really..." that's all I could say until he hugged me back again.

"1." He whispered into my hoodie, "C-can you...stay here with me tonight...?"

I ran a hand through his hair, "I-uh guess so. No reason not, I suppose..?"

He pulled his head up and smiled at me. He reluctantly pulled away from the hug and stood up from the foot of the bed. "I'll be right back. Imma go get changed into nightclothes."
Something about not having him hug me...felt empty. I dunno why.

There was a panel on the wall by the doors. He pressed a button and a maids voice came and he talked to whoever the maid was about for someone to get his suit the next morning to clean and iron it.
"Thank you."
"Your welcome, sir." The maid said from the panel, and 5 came back over, but to a closet and started going through drawers and began to take off his bow tie. "Hey, uh 1. You can go change into some clothes for the night, if you'd like."
I perked up, "OH. Yes. Thanks." I got up and started to leave.
"No problem." He said. I looked back when closing the big door and caught a glimpse of 5 unbuttoning his extended vest.
I came back nervously and carefully opened his huge doors to his room. I peeked in and he was in a tight white long sleeved shirt and dark comfy shorts. He was sitting back on his pillows and messing with some sort of device.
I, on the other hand, changed into a black shirt and shorts. I was freezing without my hoodie on.

"H-hey.." I pushed the door open. 5 looked up and smiled. 5 set down what he had and invited me over. I nervously strolled over and sat down on the bed, near the end.

"Hey 1." 5 said
"I have to go out tomorrow." He glanced over at his device-thing. It beeped and he picked it back up and did a few things on it.

"Where?" I leaned towards him, trying to see what he was doing.

"Have to go meet someone far away to go have an annual meeting. She was saying around 1 er noonish time."

Something inside me clicked, and it didn't feel right, "Who's 'she'?"

"Oh don't worry. You know her. And I'm not going to be the only one there. I think TV is too... I think Frost is as well."

I swear I've heard those names before. "Why is it a meeting? What do you even talk about that's worthy enough for a meeting?"

"I dunno. Girls are weird. Same reason why there's so many males around here." He cut off the thing in his hand and put it on his nightstand.

"Can I come?" I couldn't help myself

"Oh, sure I guess. I don't think she'd mind. You can even contribute to any problems you think are pending." He smiled and pushed the covers from underneath him and covered his legs. I scooted back and pulled my legs in and pushed to blanket back. 5 was kinda fidgety and I kinda felt weird about him asking me to spend the night with him. (Esp so soon ;3)

I played down the opposite way from him and curled up in the blanket. 5 shuffled around on his side, until he stopped and his lamp turned off. Other than the lamp, the room was already dark. Now its dark dark.

To be honest, I was never one for dark rooms. Its just different when there's someone else I there with you.

In the middle of my mini panic attack of how dark it was, 5 turned over and wrapped and arm over me. "G'night." He said

"Night..." I replied. Something about him, with an arm around me, settled me. It was so comfortable. The soft pillows and the warm blanket, plus the heat from 5 made me surrender to sleep in less then five minutes.

Don't worry, its a most done. I swear this will be the last part, (I hope)
(Lool 2019words)

The Sun. Oi, it blasted me in the face.
I pulled up the cover over my face and grumbled. After a moment, I realized I was the only one there...and was really cold, despite these pillows and blankets.
"5-5..." I managed to mutter

I felt his hand lightly ruffle my hair. I carefully open my eye and see a half-dressed 5, wearing a darker shade of blue pants than normal, but the regular light blue cuffed long-sleeved shirt.

"Hey 1." He said delicately, "Sorry I left ya."

I grumble and try to snuggle back, but I couldn't. "Cold.." I muttered

He bent down and smooched me on the cheek I wasn't laying on. It indeed made me warmer.

I tried to fight back a smile, but I failed miserably. I heard 5 chuckle and walk away. I cracked my eye open a tad and saw him on the same bowtie he'd taken off last night. 5 then reached for an extended vest from a hanger on the wall.
(You know those vests some pianists wear? Like that but really long and goes to his ankles and is a bit rectangular shaped instead of two draping pieces of fabric (he was also wearing on of those extended vests like that of a pianist before he changed))

He turned around and buttoned it up. As soon as he turned back around I closed my eye.

"You forgot your hat. Your floaty hat."

"Oh I'll put it on. When you get up, that is."

I grumbled and turned over. 5 started to poke my side and say 'get up' nonstop. I smiled and pulled the blanket up more.

"1. Its noon and you still have to eat before we go."

"...I'll be up in about five minutes, just gimme five minutes and I'll be up." Shoot. I don't wanna be late and not go.

"Its 12:35 and you still need to eat and get dressed."

I hopped out of the bed and stumbled to the door. 5 laughed.

"Hehe its 11:20. I'm glad you woke up early. " he smiled and made his way to the door with me.

I grumbled and wiped my face. 5 laughed to himself. "Well go on. We're having pancakes, grits, and eggs this morning."

I opened the door and shuffled down the hallway. "Fine.." but I smiled instead of acting like I was angry.

(WOO FINALLY DONE! holy shite 2429 words...)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2018 ⏰

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