storee pt 3/5

9 1 4


1- "Grape-Head", "Grape-Hair", "One-Eye", 15, male, royal heir

5- "Blue-Hair", looks like he's 23-ish, magical dudde


1 looked around, amazed at the quartyard 5 lead him to. In prepartion to the structure, the quartyard was open in fresh air, and the top and highest floors were above it (duh), but the floors above were floating. (Imagine a quartz crystal, saw it off around the top. That space in the middle of were you cut, the surface of the bottom piece. That's the quartyard. The top piece is floating above it. Ur welcome.)

5 snapped his fingers to get his attention again. "Kid, pay attention." 1 shook his head, clearing his thoughts. "Ok, kid. Come at me like I stole something of yours."

1 took off his hoodie that we was (still) wearing and tossed in in the grass, as well as his backpack. He pulled his shorts up he was wearing (b/c he packed shorts. not all pants) and clenched his fists. He dashed for 5 and swung.

5 noticed a reoccurring pattern when 1 would swing. He'd swing left, right, left, right with no variation. 5 eventually held him back by holding his hand to his forehead. 1 swung like a little kid, flailing his arms randomly. 5 laughed to himself and 1 noticed and reached for the hilt of his sword. (because he left that on him)

He swung his sword and 5 let go and ducked just him time. "Dang, kid. You trying to kill me?"

"Ah-uhm, sorry. I guess I just got too caught up in what I was doing..."

5 laughed, "Not like I would've died anyway!" 1 looked at him in confusion. "Don't worry about that. Don't you have any special abilities? You left yourself very open."

1 put his sword back, "Well, no, not really. All I can do is float some. I tend not to use it as much."

"No wonder you got this far so quickly." 1 nodded. "Well, why didn't you use that?" 1 shrugged, and 5 pushed off from the ground and was floating a way up in the air from 1. 1's tail twitched exidedly, and he sprang up to meet him. 

"Well? Start swinging!" 1 grinned and started off with a swing to his shoulder. It was a light punch, but it landed. Then a few more swings and light punches. 5 smiled and made a super-soaker appear from mid air. 1 looked at 5 an utter awe, but a blast of cold water snapped him out of it.

5 spoke, "Me hitting you with water will simulate an enemy with projectile attacks. You get hit, not only will it be cold, but depending on the place where you would've gotten hit, if it wasn't water, who knows what would happen. I'll give you five seconds to try and get your stuff before I shoot at you."



1 dropped and barrel-rolled on the grass not to hurt himself. "4!!" He dashed over and slung a side of the bag over his shoulder. "3-2-1!!"

"Hey!  That's not fair!"

"Life isn't fair." and he shot water furiously, not giving 1 enough time to grab his hoodie before he rolled back. 5 landed and shot at him, 1 dashing and ducking a bunch. "Sometimes you have to protect yourself and what you have on you!" 5 yelled over.

He looked down at his hoodie he left. He smiled and picked it up. 1 glared at him. "Imagine you forgot a part of your cargo. How would you get it back?" he tied it loosely around his shoulders.

1's tail twitched, then he leapt forward to retrieve it. 5 aimed his water gun which made 1 turn over and fall down, then back to escape a shot. He leapt forward and pulled the sleeve of his hoodie, then ducked to dodge, and returned back to untie it quickly. A blast of ice-cold water hit his side.

"AGH!" 5 grinned. 1 pulled his hoodie off which pulled 5 forward. 1 fell back awkwardly on his side, 5 ended up over him, but caught himself and was on all fours. Over 1.

1 stared at him just only for a moment. Then he pushed him off hard. He almost winded him as he pushed him onto his back. 1's face was flushed dark purple. Not knowing what to do, he grabbed the super-soaker and sprayed 5 in the face with it a few times. He wiped his face, "I'm sorry I-I didn't mean to do that! I'm sorry!"

1 dropped the half-full water gun on 5's stomach which made him heave in pain and roll over. "I didn't mean to fall on you---ughhhh---Im sorry...."

1 sighed, calming himself and pulled him up. He slunked his pack down and tied his hoodie around his waist. "Ugh, fine, Blue Hair."

5 smiled and stood up. "*ahem* Uh, dinner should be ready sometime soon. If, you would like, I can lend you a guest room. You can stay however long you want."

"Uh. Sure. Thanks, Mr."


"5...yeah..." 1 picked back up his stuff and followed 5 down many sets of stairs.

(probably the shortest part  of them all ;-;)

All of Delta's crapTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon