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BeanPhanJamidenXD changed their username to, smolpotatoelliot (beautiful name)

If I have ever add people like you and you want me to change your username. Let me know so, I can change it

TylerOTPS, smolpotatoelliot, and JoshEat Text Messages Only,

TylerOTPS: Dan, is literally getting on my nerves with Phil

JoshEat: Didn't you tell him, he's fine?

TylerOTPS: Mhm

Smolpotatoelliot: Well, he is the boyfriend of Phil so what do you expect?

TylerOTPS: I know Elliot that Dan is Phils bf, but like he's keep on thinking Phil is cheating when he isn't

JoshEat: brb, the food is here

Smolpotatoelliot: It'll take time for Dan to understand what is up with Phil. And, besides they known each other longer then anyone else

TylerOTPS: meeting each other the first time does not count Elliot

Smolpotatoelliot: I'm not saying meeting each other. I met, in 2008

(They known each other since 2008 then met each other in 2009. If you didn't know)

TylerOTPS: This really doesn't make sense

JoshEat: Back, I put the sticks in the fridge

TylerOTPS: Thx

TBC aka To Be Continued

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