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Only Dan and Jack Messages,

Dan: Jack, I need help

JackieGreen: what's wrong Dan?

Dan: is it bad I want Phil to be with me?

JackieGreen: No of course not

Dan: Well, he and I had sex, and he is heterosexual. He only had sex with me so I can be happy

JackieGreen: How Do you know if he is telling the truth Dan?

Dan: I just know. I known him since 2009

JackieGreen: Well it takes time. Just wait and see if he wants you

Dan: Thx Jack

JackieGreen: Welcome Dan

Only Phil and Mark Messages,

Phil: Do you like Jack?

MarkieRed: As a friend Yea. What about you with dan?

Phil: Idk. I told him I'm heterosexual but Idk if I am

MarkieRed: Have you ever picture being with him?

Phil: Sometimes, but not really. He is my best friend

MarkieRed: I understand Phil

Phil: Yea. Well, what should I do?

MarkieRed: Read a Phanfic or a One Shot Book Of you and dan. And, see what happens next

Phil: Uh ok

MarkieRed: GL

Phil: Thx

Only Dan and Phil Messages,

Dan: Phil, plz I'm sry

Phil: For what?

Dan: Liking you

Phil: It's fine Dan

Dan: I want you to be mine, but I know you aren't gay

Phil: I'm not gay, but I am bisexual

Dan: What made you bisexual?

Phil: *Heterosexual* not bisexual

Dan: Sure Phil, sure

Phil: Shut up Dan

Dan: Make me 😏

Phil: I'm in my room n I don't feel like leaving my cozy room

Dan: I will be in ur room and tickle u

Phil: Plz dont

Dan: To late

At The Flat Of Dan and Phil,
I ran to Phil's room, sat on his bed, and tickled him. He chuckled softly and felled to his pillow from sitting down. "Haha"

Phil smiled softly. "Real Nice Dan" He said to me whispering in my ear that caused me to blush

"Phil~ please stop making me blush"

"I can't" Phil put his hand on my chin and made me face him

"Why can't you?"

"Because this" He said kissing me softly and I kissed back

He pulled me on top of him. I pulled back from the kiss. "What happen to you Phil?"

"Oh nothing, maybe I like you dan since 2009. And, I'm bisexual" he said confessing to me and smiled

"But, you said you weren't gay and bisexual?"

"I was trying not to be because I was scared to admit my secret to you"

"I love you Philip Michael Lester"

"I love you too Daniel James Howell"


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