(Token Black) The Colorado Singing Competition

Start from the beginning

"Haha, aren't you always?" One woman chuckled. "Ah, but you have some stiff competition this year, so watch out."

"I'll keep that in mind," Token responded while turning away from the table to let the other person sign in.

"Look at all these people," Craig grumbled at the sight of the humongous crowd. "This is going to take a fucking long time, ain't it?"

"Kinda. It goes by pretty quickly. You'll sing on the stage over there," Token explained while pointing over to the front of the building where the big stage stood. "We get about two minutes to sing, the judges write down their notes next to our name on the list and then that's that. We get a call later on tonight if we made it. No call means you didn't pass." He glanced down at his golden watch. "We have about five minutes until they begin the singing process. Don't worry, this will be a breeze. I'm only number 125."

"Holy crap," Craig groaned, throwing his head back.

The four of them found some vacant seats near the stage, a miracle for them. They sat there, talking about what happened recently in Walking Dead, until Clyde piped up, "Oh, damn. There are a lot of hot chicks here. Right, Tweek?"

The blonde darted his eyes around the room, spazzing out. "Y-yeah, I guess. ACK."

"Holy shit, look at her!" Clyde muttered while smacking his friends' arms frantically while gesturing over to a girl sitting not too far off from them. "The one with the (f/c) top and the (h/c) hair. Hot daaaaamn."

All the boys' eyes turned towards the girl Clyde is desperately getting hot and bothered over. Token squinted, as he seemed to feel he has met her before. The pretty girl was talking amongst her own group. When she turned her head the direction towards the boys to talk to her friend, Token instantly recognized her.

(F/n) (L/n), no longer the young girl Token competed against a few years ago. She was absolutely gorgeous. She was more developed and not as awkward looking as she was before. She was like a high-ranked super model and Token was speechless. That was the girl he hated for trying to take away his spotlight. The only other person as determined as him to get signed.

"Uh, dude, you ok? You look like you've seen a ghost," Craig said, snapping Token away from his thoughts. He blinked twice before nodding his head towards his raven haired friend.

"Whoa, dude. You know her?" Clyde asked him with an excited tone. "Introduce uuuuusss!"

"What? No," Token quickly declined, swerving his head away so he couldn't look at her anymore.

"No to that you know her or no to not introducing me to her?" Clyde questioned.

"The second one," Token grumbled.

"How'd you know her? GAH," Tweek asked out of curiosity.

"She used to be a regular in this competition," Token answered in hushed tones. "We were always against each other since we wanted the same thing, to get signed by someone big."

"Aww, c'mon, bro! Introduce us!" Clyde begged, shaking Token's arm with a pouty face.

"Dude, calm your dick," Craig said to the brunette jock. "Just let her be, alright?"

Clyde groaned at his three friends. Then, a mischievous smirk appeared on his face. "DAMN, TOKEN. WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT THAT CHICK WITH THE (F/C) JACKET?" He yelled out purposely.

Token's eyes widened in surprise. "What the fu-"

(F/n) swerved her attention towards the loud voice, as she was wearing the very thing that one guy shouted. Her (e/c) eyes landed on the familiar boy wearing a purple sweater, who looked like he was about to kill the guy in the red jacket next to him. "Oh my god, Token? Token Black?"

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