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Nathan's POV

Ring Ring

I wake up to the sound of an alarm, something that has never happened before. I roll over to find Jessy losing asleep next to me, her wearing my T-shirt and our clothes all over the floor. What happened last night? Then it all comes flooding back to me, her soft lips, hands on my back tracing my tattoo's, shots of vodka, I quickly sit up. A banging headache, just as Jessy comes round, her eyes open and I realise how much I love her, fuck, I love her after one night, one night.

She sits up and laughs, a amazing laugh, then puts her head to my chest. I kiss the top of her head.

"Good morning," I say,

"Good morning, Nathan" she says, clutching her head, "where's your aspirin?" I point to the cupboard, she gets out of the bed and walks to the cupboard, I can't help but look at her bum swinging and her lovely figure as she gets 2 aspirins and a cup of water, she walks back to me and slides in bed next to me, passes me an aspirin and throws the other in her mouth then takes a big sip of the water, before handing it to me. I do the same.

"So, Jessy, what do you want to do today? How about some breakfast?"

"Sounds great, only, I have no clothes, only the ones I wore last night."

"How about we swing by your apartment and pick up a few, I know a great waffle place round the corner!"

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