School begins

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I jump out of the car to see who ran out of the car and yes you guessed right Ibukun ran out of the car, now I'm not a cold hearted fellow but I didn't think she would run out of the car because of my comment which was true I just thought she was going to get something so I just ignored.

Looking back at her siblings they gave this look of well won't you run after her  and I shot back a for what look I know right the looks I watch way too many movies so I understand a bit of the looking scenario then her sister says" you should run after her" and I'm like "you do realise that I'm a secondary school boy not a guy looking to get married and that only happens in film plus I'm just knowing your sister today I like her but not the one in films", seems harsh to talk like that but like I said I'm a very realistic person and don't like to put myself under unnecessary pressure so I back out and told her sister to just plead on my behalf which she obliged to do.


Now it's finally resumption day and everyone is looking their best on uniforms, the ugly guy is now looking not so ugly, the pretty girls are looking even more pretty it's basically everyone trying on a new personality like the way a white man would say he's reinventing himself yeah something like that and that's why I like sec schools in Nigeria.

Here every new class is a new opportunity to be another character(like when you are promoted from ss1-ss2 or better still jss3- ss1 which is where the most epic of changes happen) , be someone new and like every other country there's bullying only difference is you can either choose to be bullied or be a bully and in Nigeria everyone Is a bully, example  if a dumb big guy bully's a small smart boy for his money the dumb big guy will later come back to the small smart boy for assistance in his studies and that's when the small smart boy bully's the dumb big guy so everyone is a bully in their own way and other scenarios .

Now school was in session and I for one was looking towards seeing everyone's new character as I never change mine because mine was like the ultimate. I love being me because I don't have to pretend, I am fun, I like everybody and hate no one, never keep grudges though some people will always have against you, I don't lie at least not much mostly just in favour of my friends:saving their asses, I have a no dating rule yeah with a capital N O that was my no go area I ain't the most handsome but then I am not bad, I am athletic and strong and I am all round smart and I pass well too just never really challenged for the top of the class position never did anyways. That's just a few things about me so yeah back to school

In Nigeria or at least in Lagos the first is always for cleaning and playing basically getting your mind adjusted that you are back in school, so we basically play around and nothing serious until the following week. First we catch up and second week work starts.

Like every other year every one except me and the already cool guys which I'm also one of is with a new personality Yemi is now way hotter than he was in the previous class, Yemi used to be awkward but now my God is he fine even Tunde now has biceps he's all macho, Mario though still short is now also fine with fancy accessories and Abraham my best friend and partner in crime and business has also changed leaving me behind well not really leaving me behind but then I'm just the guy that is the most normal, like I don't dress fancy but I'm always well dressed and look good so I don't change my style I just do me so with all our new found identities or should I say their new found identities we got together and started catching up

Our case was we where moving from ss1 to ss2 (senior secondary school) and like it mostly is in every class there is always a new girl or boy or both, this year there was both at first we didn't know there was one because for the first week we didn't see anyone so we assumed no new faces.


One week into resumption and school was getting serious my friends and I were by one of the windows listening to Abraham. One thing I really like about Abraham which was one of the things that made him my best friend is that like me he can tell stories or make anything look interesting with the way he will say it so we were all listening, I wasn't really paying attention I love nature so I got distracted looking outside the window, I noticed they had stopped talking and turned back to see why because then the only reason they would have stopped talking is if a teacher was in the class but as I turned I was surprised at what I saw


Hey sorry it took time to update this I just finished school and the holidays hasn't been fun been working since
Don't worry guys will update y'all soon

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