The test.

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Jallals POV.
When I left the room I went to my friends house there she told me that she was getting married I was very angry I congratulated her and then I left her home by the time I was about to go home it was time to pray so I prayed and went home by the time I got home it was just 1:15,and Khadija was in the kitchen when she heard some noises she came to the room then she saw the mess I made when she was about to say something I told her to wash my clothes and iron them she told me that she won't do it I said OK and when she was about to go I grabbed her arm and pinned her to the wall she was telling me that I was hurting her but instead I tighting my grib on her she was crying then I left her and told her to go and do what I asked her to do she was crying and went to do what I asked her to do by the time I  went to the mosque to go and pray she finished washing my things and was drying them by the time she finished I told her to go and make food for me she said OK and then left to cook the food when she finished she was busy arranging the store because there were some gift that we did not open yet so she was arranging it and I was eating in the kitchen when I was done I went to the mosque to pray by the time I came back she was sleeping and I was furious because she was sleeping I took a jug of water and poured it on her she jolted from the bed and I told her to never sleep until I was back from work she said she won't listen to me so I got furious and I held her hand and she was begging me to leave her but I said no and then I twisted her hand backwards she told me that she agreed to it and then i left her alone she went to warm my food and then she waited for me to sleep before she slept.
Khadija's POV.
In the morning by the time he finished eating he left the house and I went to bath when I came out of the toilet I took a nap and then by the time I  heard the Adhan I woke up and i went to pray after praying I went to the kitchen to go and prepare food for him by the time I finished I heard noise from upstairs and I was scared so I ran there just to find Jallal throwing his clothes on the floor I was surprised I was about to ask him for the reason why he did it then he told me to go and wash them and iron them I was angry so it told him that I was not going to do it when I was about to go out of the room he grabbed my hand and pinned me to the wall I told him that he was hurting me but instead of him to let me go he tightened his grip on me and then he told me to go and do what he asked me to do I said OK and left I started washing them immediately thank God that there was light so I used the washing machine and then I was drying them by the time I finished I went to the room to go and check the time by the time I entered I found out that he was back he told me to go and make food for him I said OK and left the room to cook the food after cooking the food I washed the stuff I used and then I went to the store to arrange it due to the fact that we did not open all the gifts so I was busy arranging the store and Jallal was busy eating by the time he was done he kept his plate in the kitchen by the time I finished I washed the plate and then I eat my food and washed it I went to pray after praying I went to the kitchen to make samosa when I was done I kept it in the oven I was very tired so I decided to go and sleep after praying I layed down on the couch to sleep I was sleeping then someone poured water in me oh jolted then I saw that it was Jallal then he told me not to sleep until he should get home and then he told me to go and get his food for him by the time he started eating I went to change my clothes and checked the couch but it was not wet so I waited for him to sleep before I slept off.

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