Distict 12

158 1 2

As I open the door to the bakery my mother is baking and my dad is serving a girl who's had a crush on me for the past 4 years, her name is Gredela Lancaster, I walk over to her, she is a completely annoying but I lean in and kiss her. "Peeta baby I love you!" She squeals. I take her to the victors village with me and we go to my new house. I turn the tv on and a pictures of the dead tributes are playing, I see katniss, her innocent face lying next to the cornocopia, dead, because of me! "She's such an ugly bitch" Gredela states. I stand up in anger "no! I loved katniss but it was a game!" I walk to the kitchen and get a knife Gredela walks over as I hold it against my throat. " no baby! I love you!" she starts crying "I DONT LOVE YOU!" I jump over to her without thinking, the knife plunges into her back and out her chest "Peeta?" she drops dead on the kitchen floor. what has the games done to me.

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