Chapter 5: Extra Study

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Umbridge is sitting in her office looking over the forms from the students. she is trying to decide, based on their academic achievement, which of them she wants to give special classes to. when she comes to harry's records she notices the past few years he has under achieved the end of the year exams. this prompts her to look into anyone else who had also under achieved. she comes up with a list of a few students who she thinks need to study harder.

having just got back from supper time Draco, Harry, and Jade are getting ready to head outside to enjoy some fresh air since it was now after class time, but before they can step through the door they are stopped by Umbridge. "good three of you in one spot that makes finding you much easier."

"umbridge." Jade grumbles hiding her injured hand behind her back.

Umbridge nods and smiles her greedy self centered smirk. "Potter, Malfoy, and Lestrange you are now part of an extra study group. which of course will be headed by me." she replies chuckling. "you will report to the library at once."

"study class?" Draco questions, but as if she wasn't listening she turns and walks away.

"and if you don't go you will receive detention." she says as she leaves.

"study class?" Harry puzzles. "i wonder what for?"

"she must of noticed our bad exam scores from last year." Jade mumbles. "i'll bet we aren't the only ones who under achieved."

"well the only way to know for sure is to go check it out." Harry nods. "we'll see what this is all about."

the group head to the library and find a few others have gathered there already and have a stack of parchments and books already set on the table. Harry recognizes Nevell, Ron, Fred, and George from gryffendor as well as Sed Hoffmire the ravenclaw girl whom harry had a crush on his first few years at hogwarts. Harry notices a few others whom he hadn't met but he could tell what house they were from because of their robes.

"there are four tables one for each house." Umbridge says as she walks in behind them. "have a seat and begin your work." she motions towards the empty table and smiles. "you will sit here and study the material until i say it is time to go."

Jade looks at the clock on the wall. "5:13" she frowns to herself. then the three of them go sit down at the empty table littered with books and parchment.

Draco scans over the sheet on the top of the pile. "wait a second... this is all stuff we learned in first year."

Umbridge nods. "yes. you failed to adequately pass your exams that year. this is a chance for redemption. i have gathered all the necessary materials for you to complete each classes exams starting from the first year until now depending on your scores."

Draco growls under his breath and starts working on his stack of papers. he glances over noticing each person in the room has different paperwork. some of the students have smaller stacks then the others. 'it must be that they passed a fair amount of their exams then.'

"don't forget children all of this will be on the test as well so make sure you pay attention. don't forget the owls are this year for you fifth years in the room." Umbridge exclaims.

harry can't help but wonder why Dumbledore was allowing this sort of treatment of student's in his school. they had attempted to tell Dumbledore about jade's hand but through some twist of fate Dumbledore had been absent from the school because he went to the ministry for a meeting.

two hours later most of the students had finished their papers and were given the okay to go back to the dorms. Jade and Draco finish about the same time and both of them glance at harry who still had several papers left to do.

"d-do you want us to wait harry?" Jade mumbles.

"no it's ok if you guys are done then you should head back to the dorms and get some rest." Harry replies. "i won't be long i promise."

Draco and Jade take their papers to umbridge and she looks them over. after a moment of scanning each page they are both cleared to go back to the dorms. they rush out of the room before the psycho lady can think up anymore punishment for them.

when harry finishes his last paper he looks up and realizes he is all alone in the room. "i was so focused i didn't even notice everyone had left."

"you about finished mister potter?" Umbridge questions from behind him.

harry jolts a bit startled and turns sharply around to face the professor. "yes i am finished." he states handing over his work.

"very good." Umbridge says scanning the papers. "however it took you far to long so you'll have to redo them." she smirks again. "i want you to complete your assignment in 2 hours not 4."

"that's insane there's over 500 questions!?" Harry protests.

"then i suggest you study harder mister potter." Umbridge replies gathering the books together with a flick of her wand. "i will see you after class tomorrow. same as today, and everyday after until you complete the assignment to my approval."

"nobody else had to do it faster?" Harry grumbles.

"everyone else got finished long before you did mister potter." Umbridge replies swiftly. "good night mister potter." she dismisses harry and leaves the library.

harry leaves the library and heads towards the common room. on the way he spots marcus patrolling the halls and he hides behind a pillar. he realizes now that umbridge had not given him a hall pass in case he was caught on the way back to the common room. had she forgotten? or perhaps did she purposely not give him one?

he tries to sneak around flint but it was in vain. flint spins around with a sly grin on his face. "out of bed so late mister potter? guess that means detention for you."

"i just came from Umbridge." harry says. "she made me stay late to study. i was on my way to the common room i swear i wasn't taking the long way."

"a likely story, i need to see a hall pass then." Flint says holding out a hand.

"she didn't give me one." harry replies.

"then how am i to know you have told me the truth?" Marcus smirks.

"ask her." harry replies "i'm tired and i want to go to bed."

"oh i will." he replies coldly. "hurry up and get to bed then it i swear potter if i find out you lied i will not hesitate to give you detention." he then huffs and turns away walking toward Umbridge's office.

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