Chapter One: A Wedding

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Harry sits on the edge of his bed and glances at the two beds across the room from him. Right now they are empty with a suitcase at the foot of each one similar to his own. He recalled how the last school year had ended and he had just barely managed to pass his classes. He also recounted the situation that he and his two friends had found themselves in. After the year had ended he and his friends had tried to stay hidden in the castle till the train had left but Filch had found them and sent them to Dumbledore. Dumbledore had arranged for the children to stay with Harry's aunt and uncle for the entire summer break.

Downstairs Harry could hear his aunt yelling about something, but then he heard his cousin retort and then there was silence. Harry smirked a bit knowing that his cousin had talked his folks into letting the magical children stay at their home for the summer. Not like they had a choice though, once Dumbledore explained that the dark lord had returned, Dudley had insisted that Harry stay for the summer to protect him. It was a good thing they had paid a visit to the Dursleys' last summer.

As Harry is sitting there, wondering what they will do next, an owl pecks at the window. He gets out of bed to open the window but instead of coming inside the bird simply drops the letter and waits. Harry picks it up, studying the bird for a moment. "A letter from the Weasleys?" he wonders. He quickly opens the letter and finds it is an invitation extended to harry, Draco, and Jade to attend a wedding. He reads the names and gasps. "Am I reading this correctly?! The champion girl from last year, Fleur Delacour! Is marrying a Weasley!?" (I'm not sure which year this actually happens because I don't want to look anything up, but I'm planning to end the series with this book so I'm mashing together all the rest of the stuff I want to use from the last few movies.)

Harry closes the window again and takes the letter downstairs. "Draco, Jade, we have a letter."

The two jump up from the sofa and rush to Harry. "What is it Harry?" Draco asks.

"An invitation to the Weasley's wedding. Fleur and Bill are getting married next week."

"No kidding!? The female champion from last year!?" Draco muses for a moment. "Honestly that's great, I just can't shake the feeling that she was only meant to be a side character. I didn't even know they were dating."

Jade smiles. "Well that's super fantastic though! I'm so happy for both of them." She pauses for a moment and then frowns. "I hope it doesn't rain."

Harry wonders about this for a moment, but then he recalls when she had played quidditch and fell off her broom because she was afraid to death of water. "It would be unfortunate."

"Well we better pay a visit to Madam Milkin then before we go. We can use the opportunity to do our school shopping for the year." Draco nods, "The good news, Harry, is that as long as you're at Hogwarts the dark lord won't be able to touch you or us."

And at just that moment there is a knock on the door. They all look at the door but don't speak. Then it suddenly swings open and serious black, Mad Eye Moody, and a few other people Harry hasn't met yet come storming inside.

'WHAT'S THE MEANING OF THIS!?" Uncle Vernon growls, standing up.

"Relax muggle." Sirius says rolling his eyes. "We are the order of the Phoenix. An organization against Voldemort under the direction of a few council members and Dumbledore." He smiles lightly at Harry. "I heard you did well last year, Harry."

"Now is not the time Sirius." Moody grumbles. "Harry we came to escort you and your friends to Grimwold place for safety until wedding." He glances around, and then looks at one of the other fellows. "It is safe to assume the dark one has knowledge of this place. They may be in danger."

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