They kiss, and kiss, and kiss, and kiss, and with each kiss, Kihyun pushes a little harder, a little deeper, his beautiful, soft moans into Hoseok's mouth a little louder, and with each kiss, Hoseok pulls him in a little closer, grips the back of his shirt a little rougher and squeezes his delicate body a little tighter. And Hoseok is letting Kihyun take charge this time, lead the way of this particular moment, because there is so much more to this than letting off a little steam as they usually would, Hoseok knows. This is different. Kihyun has something he wants to say to him, with all of this.

And so Hoseok loosens his strong hold on Kihyun and tilts his head back against the wall to give Kihyun easy access as Kihyun starts kissing along his jawline and slowly moving down to mouth at his throat, his hands moving down to rest on Hoseok's chest, his fingers curling as he sucks Hoseok's pale skin into his mouth. And Hoseok's eyes flutter, a deep groan rippling through him when he feels Kihyun biting into his skin, marking his throat as he had already marked so many other places on Hoseok's body.

And Hoseok lets Kihyun go, lets Kihyun slip down his torso as Kihyun goes lower and lower to kneel down in front of him, soon resting on his knees and pushing up Hoseok's shirt to reveal Hoseok's bare stomach, his bare abs, already marked with purple bruises from the previous night, when they had rolled around in Hoseok's bed at the early hours of dawn. They had ended up both fully naked, with Kihyun lying face down on top of Hoseok, but with Kihyun upside down, his mouth at Hoseok's navel and his ass right in front of Hoseok's face. And Hoseok had given Kihyun the rimjob of his life, Kihyun biting down into the skin right by Hoseok's belly button as Hoseok had spread Kihyun's cheeks apart, sucking at his entrance, licking over the hot, wet skin until Kihyun cried. And the feeling of Kihyun losing himself when he was finally penetrated by Hoseok's tongue, shivering and quivering down to his fingertips and toes, had been enough for Hoseok to follow right after.

But while that had been pure stress relief, a way to settle their nerves and loosen up before their final concert, this is something else entirely. Last night had been fun, had been naughty and wild, had been one of many restless nights in which they sought out comfort in each other's bodies.

This, on the other hand, this is nothing short of desperate. Frantic.

And Kihyun is never like this, and Hoseok doesn't quite know what to make of it.

Kihyun pauses his movements, his hands slightly trembling, and when he looks up into Hoseok's eyes, his own eyes are wide and wet and shaking, and he's like a living doll, his eyebrows furrowed and his full lips parted slightly and his cheeks pink under the pale light of the moon. Hoseok looks down at him, and a shiver passes through him at the intensity of it all, of Kihyun's gaze. Kihyun looks so vulnerable, completely open, all of his carefully-built emotional walls crumbled and heart and soul exposed to Hoseok and Hoseok only, nothing standing between them except for the tiny bit of space, and Hoseok is overcome with fondness and affection for his closest bandmate, his most important friend.

His lover.

They've always been afraid to call each other that, have avoided putting any definite labels on their relationship for fear of it being discovered, for fear of it being destroyed, for fear of having to stop, when stopping would kill them both, break them irrevocably inside.

But now, Hoseok realizes, it doesn't matter whether they admit it or not, whether they'll ever be brave enough to give a name to their relationship. It's what they are, regardless of what they decide to call it. It's what Kihyun means to him, and what he means to Kihyun in return. That's what's important, and that's why they're here. And it's why, at times like this, when the emotions are too strong, too complex to be properly decoded, they seek each other out in this desperate kind of way, when kisses and touches and physical connection say everything that their words never could.

one hundred true moments [kiho, kihyun x wonho]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz