New Band, New Life

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    Well our tour was over, and now im back in my old little apartment. Michelle finally moved. Really sucked to see her go. We don't talk anymore. Aftre she moved she just stoped talking to me. I don't really know what happened. we just stopd talking for some reason. i really hope she text's me sometime. I would love to talk to her again. I talked to Jonathan recently. He suddenly got interseted in music when i left. Now he is learning to play gutiar, drums, an bass. 

     I was laying in my bed tired from being on tour for a while and i get a phone call. I get excited and run to my dresser and pick it up.


"Dude you have to get over hear i have to show you something"!

"Ugh. Alright im on my way"

I hang up the phone and put it in my pocket. I knew i had to take a shower first and change clothes. After i got out of the shower I put on some baggy, ripped up blue jeans. A new sleeping with sirens shirt that a got at the mall a couple of days ago. My skull and cross bones neaklace. I ran out of the bathroom and grabbed my house keys from my dresser. Walked out the door and locked it. I started to walk down the street to Jonathan's place. Once i got there i let out a groan

"Ugh. Dude your late"!

"Sorry man i had to take a shower and shit".

"Yeah whatever. Come cheak this out"!

He seemed really excited. He started to walk me to the back of the house. When i was walking through the house i could tell he hadent cleaned the place in about a month. The was dirty clothes everywhere. A bunch of empty food bags, cans. wrappers, and ect. He led me to his garage. 

"You ready"?

"Yeah lets see it".

He opened the door and all i see is this huge recording studio! He has everything. What i wonder is where did he get all the money for this. 

"Holy shit dude"!

"Awesome right"?

"Yeah man its amazing".

I heard his radio in the other end of the garage.

" Be the 27th caller now to win 2 free tickets to a sleeping with sirens concert on August 13th"!

I called as fast as i could. I ended up being caller 26. Thank god Jonathan called to and he was caller 27! We locked up the house and took off to go get the tickets. When we got to the place we had to wait like 45 min. We got the tickets and he dropped me off at my place. I unlocked my door. Walked in and shut the door behind me. I went and layed down on my bed. Next thing i know i get a phone call. I was to lazy to run so i just walked to the phone. I answered


"Hey Cutie :)"

"Who is this"?

"It's Michelle"

"Oh my god it's been forever"!

"I know and im sorry for that. I hve just been really busy with the move and everythng".

"Yeah i figured" i said with a gloomy voice.

"Are you ok"?

"I hae just been really sad ever since you left".

"So have I".

"I just wish you could come back".

"Hey I have to go but ill talk to you later ok"?

"Ok bye bye"

She hung up the phone. I texted her really quick.

"I love you"

"I love you too <3"

A big smile came accros my face. I layed down and fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2012 ⏰

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