Chapter 5

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With Moriarty gone, Mycroft gave the order to shoot his snipers which were trained on his brother. He then told them to go down and scan the area for unknown soldiers or bombs. Mycroft then went down to his brother and checked his pulse a liquid shot of choloroform knocking the victim out being shot from a sniper. He was still breathing and so were John and Emma. He called for the medics to come and sort the trio out. They lifted them onto seperate stretchers and took them to MI-6's medical station for extra security.


Sherlock and John had both awoken hours before to be confronted by doctors checking their pulses and breathing. Sherlock demanded to see Emma and John followed suit.

When they got to her room there were still doctors there checking her vital signs and her head. Mycroft walked up to his brother and John.

"Theyve told me she will make a full recovery brother"

"The recovery time could vary Mycroft. You know that. It could range from weeks to years" Replied Sherlock

"She seemed fine when we were speaking to her in the asylum" said John

"True" replied Mycroft.

Sherlock began to pace again.

"Do you think my brother feels sentiment to Miss King John?" Asked Mycroft studying Sherlock pacing

"Im not sure. You should be able to know" Replied John

"The odd thing is, he has never reacted like this before" said Mycroft

Sherlock walked over.

"Why did you bring us to the MI-6 Medical ward and not St. Barts?"

"This place is more secure and weve got highly trained professionals. Also theres less chance for any of you to run off" Mycroft replied calmly, nodding in the direction of Emma who has just woken up trying to get out of bed while the doctors try and stop her.

Sherlock walks in and stands by her.

"Youve got to let the doctors look at you Emma"

"Why, I-I feel perfectly fine" She replied

"Just lie back and then we'll go for a walk" he said

Emma moaned and lay back on the bed, grumbling each time a doctor touched her.

"God she hates hospitals more than Sherlock" Said John

"I wonder why John" replied Mycroft, looking at John. "Did you know it took her father a week to die and her mother died almost instantly but her sister was worse. She kept screaming Emmas name and asking for people to stop. Moriarty didnt kill Emma's sister straight away, he injected her with poision which slowly kills you"

Throughout the whole of that Johns mouth was getting lower and lower and he turned very pale. "That sick son of a bitch"

"They died in here. MI-6."


Once the doctors gave Emma the all clear, she shot up and was out the door. Mycroft stopped her. "Youve got to stay here to be monitored"

"Damn being monitored. Im fine" She retorted

"Come to my office at noon" He shouted to her

"Will do"

Sherlock and John followed her until she sank down against the wall, breathing heavily. John sat down next to her and checked her pulse.

"Dont want to say I told you so Emma but your not perfectly fine yet" Said Sherlock, recieving a glare from John

"Its not...that. Its the fact that my father died here. My whole family died here" She said

"Wait a go Mycroft" Whispered Sherlock

She was silent for a few minuites and then heaved herself off the floor only to lean on John, she turned very pale and her eyes were drooping.

"Sherlock help me please" John asked pointing to the other side of Emma

"Yep" he replied popping the P like Emma does. Sherlock glanced at her and deduced all he could.

They took Emma into her room and lay her on the bed. She was grumbling in her sleep as a doctor walked in.

"What happened?" asked the doctor, hooking her up into machines

"She was walking down the coridoor and collapsed" said Sherlock


"What do you mean good?" demanded Sherlock

"Thats her body repairing itself. See her body works faster than mine or most peoples, barring you and Mycroft that is. Which means what would take a week for mine to heal a wound it would take her a few days" He said

"Wow" said John

"So she will be okay?" Asked Sherlock

"Yes. We dont even need to give her morphine"


"I need her to rest now. you are welcome to stay with her so she doesnt go wandering about again." said the doctor

"yes" replied sherlock and john together


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