Chapter 12

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Friday 7th May

Fundraising Dinner, Virginia

“You look stunning.” Jack whispered as he leaned across the table to talk to his wife.


“Are you okay Jackie?”

Jackie nodded but didn’t really eat much of her dinner.

When people began going to the dance floor Jack slipped into the seat next to his wife. She looked really pale.

“Can you get me some water please?”

“Of course.” Jack said as he got to his feet.

When he returned he handed her a cold glass. After a few sips she put the glass down. “I need some air.”

Before Jack could say anything she’d left the room. He quickly followed her. He found her standing out on the deck. She was holding on to the railings. “Jackie are you okay?” Jack asked placing a hand on her back.

She broke down in tears. “No I feel awful.”

“It’s going to be okay, why don’t we go home?”

“We can’t.”

“Jackie if you’re not feeling well I’m not going to make you stay here.” Jack said soothingly.

“Thank you.”

“Come on, I’ll take you to the car then I’ll tell Ben we’re leaving.”

Jackie nodded and let her husband guide her to the car.

Once Jack had made an excuse Jackie wasn’t feeling well he joined her in the car. She was sitting in silence leaning against the window. Jack didn’t want to push her to talk so the ride back to the White House was very quiet.

Jackie Kennedy’s Bedroom


“Why don’t you just get some sleep, it’ll make you feel better and you can see the doctor tomorrow.” Jack said.

Jackie nodded and changed into her pyjamas. By the time Jack had taken his tie of she was asleep. He smiled before going down to Pierre’s office.

When he walked in Pierre stood up.

“Sit your ass down.” Jack said as he flopped on to the sofa. He then lit a cigar.

“What’s up Sir?”

“You’re about to get a call asking why Jackie and I left the dinner early.”

“You’re here to tell me why right?”

Jack nodded. “Jackie wasn’t feeling well, I mean she was really ill looking I had no choice but to take her home.”

“People will understand.”

Jack nodded. “Thanks Pierre.”

Once back in the residence he joined Jackie in bed.

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