Chapter 29

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Wednesday 29th December 1965

Jack and Jackie were sitting on the beach at Jack’s parents watching Caroline and John in the water with Bobby and Ethel. Finn was with Nanny Show in the shade.


“Yes bunny?”

“If you feel up to it, how do you fancy going out tonight?” Jack asked.

“Where to?”

“A new club that opened in town.”

“Umm….sure but what if the press get pictures?”

“The secret service will deal with that, we’re entitled to go out for a night Jackie we deserve it really.”

Jackie laughed. “Oh okay.”

“What are you going to wear?”

“I don’t know….do you have a suggestion?”

“Yeah I left it on your bed earlier.”

Jackie giggled.

Kennedy’s Bedroom, Palm Beach Home

When Jackie entered her room she laughed. It was a very typical 50’s, 60’s shift dress. She laughed as she changed in to it. She knew Jack loved her in this sort of thing. She slipped some flat shoes on before fixing her hair.

She loved how the dress was sleeveless. When Jack appeared he was wearing a pair of navy trousers with a white shirt and he’d put fresh gel in his hair. “Well haven’t we transformed back to out 1950’s selves?”

Jack laughed. “You look very appropriate Miss Bouvier.”

Jackie took his arm. “Have you told the secret service?”

“Yes I have.”

She smiled as she let him guide her to the car.

The Club, Palm Beach


Once they were inside the people didn’t seem to stare too much and respected their privacy. The secret service were also giving them privacy at a respectable distance. Jack and Jackie were sitting at a table with drinks.

Jack had a beer and Jackie was having a wine. “You really do look beautiful tonight kid.”

Jackie blushed. “You look nice too Jack, you look yourself, relaxed, happy.”

Jack grinned. “I’ll drink to that.” Jack said as he held his drink up. Jackie held hers up to. “Cheers bunny.”


The live band was playing a few classic hits including Elvis and Buddy Holly.

“How about we dance later?” Jack suggested.

“Sure.” Jackie smiled.

“We’re going to take a break right now but requests are being taken.” The lead singer said.

A smile crept across Jack’s face.

“What?” Jackie asked curiously.

“Nothing….do you want another drink?”

“Yes please.”

Jack nodded and got up to go to the bar.

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