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Mermen are mythical male equivalents and counterparts of mermaids – legendary creatures who have the form of a male human from the waist up and are fish-like from the waist down, having scaly fish tails in place of legs.

Earlier in time, mermen and mermaids were called sirens and used to lure in sailors with their beautiful singing and drown them. This all stopped when humans got stronger and bombed the water with bombs and destroyed the merfolks homes.

The merfolk rebuilt their homes and stopped showing themselves above the water while singing. Making the humans believe they were dead.

Almost 100 years after everything had happened, humans didn't even believe merfolks exist; or existed.

Y/N is a writer, a human one. You live alone in a forest; away from human connections pretty much.

Yoongi is a merman. He likes being alone, but he has his friends.

They both meets in a weird way. And stays together in a more normal way.


Genre: [Fanfiction] Drama (Probably)

Warnings: Death and mentions of it. Not that triggering but some people maybe think it is.

Release: One chapter every week. Probably Tuesday or Monday. But I'll inform you after the first chapter.


I wrote this from my own mind. This definitely isn't how a lot of people would imagine mermaids and mermen. But it is how I imagine how mermaids and mermen are at least in this book.

And I made sure to write it so both guys and girls can read it.

Please enjoy it though :)

Living with a Siren✔ [Merman!Yoongi X Reader] [Merman AU]Where stories live. Discover now