Just whose irises ...

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Salesperson (through the TV): This is the brand new XXX smartphone with the latest biometrics technology! Unlocking your gadget has never been easier! Simply position your eyes within view of the front camera, like this, and with a simple scan of your irises, your phone will be unlocked!

Customer A (through the TV): { standing next to the salesperson and ogling the XXX phone } That's ... that's so easy to use!

Salesperson (through the TV): { nods vigorously }

Customer B (through the TV): { also marvelling the phone } and ... { gaping } ... and it offers such great protection too! Everyone's irises are different!

Salesperson (through the TV): { continues nodding vigorously }

Salesperson (through the TV): So what are you waiting for? Come to our official store today, and we will offer you a dis—

Guy: { switches off the TV and calls out } Come on, sis! Let's head off  to get that phone!

Gal: Hey! { visibly annoyed } I'm waiting for the 3:30 show! 

Guy: Awww come on, sis! I'll ... { smiles mischievously and his face lights up } I'll get you bubble tea on the way! 

Gal: { widens her eyes } I'm coming!! 

~~~~~ A few hours later ~~~~~

Guy: { fiddling with a futuristic-looking smartphone } Sis, the iris unlocking feature is just as amazing as promoted! No, it's even better!

Gal: { smiling, then looks confused } Wait, whadaya mean? Even better? I thought ads usually exaggerate.

Guy: I know! But sis, this time it doesn't! I managed to unlock my phone even with these on!

Gal: { looks to where the guy is pointing, and a pair of sunglasses comes into view }

Gal: { raises an eyebrow, clearly skeptical } Those shades are pitch black, bro.

Guy: { returns the gal's gaze }

Gal: { peers at her brother more closely, but detects no intention to beguile }

Gal thinks to herself: just whose irises did the phone pick up? ... Could it be ...? No, no no. No. It must be a malfunction. No, it couldn't possibly be. It's a new phone. ... But what could it be? 

Gal { suddenly enlightened }, thinks to herself: Ah, it must be that the phone's too high tech, and the camera managed to scan his irises through the dark lenses. ... Yes, it must be so. It must be.

Guy: { looks slightly concerned } Sis, is everything ok?

Gal: { looks up and smiles sweetly at her brother } Of course, brother. Of course. 

^^Author's notes^^

Photo credits to: FOSTER GINGER on Pinterest! I don't owe any rights to the photo.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2018 ⏰

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