I See London...

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Let's Dive into Episode 13 already Skipping all the aftermaths. The outfit today is the 2nd one with the beanie hat and Alejandro will be singing a song from the MLP film capper's song because it fits him so perfectly. And finally Alejandro will not be kidnapped first instead it will be Noah.  

3rd Point Of View

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3rd Point Of View

As the two remaining teams are in economy class together Bella is talking and whispering with Sierra as they both look at Noah and giggle to each other then calmly snigger as Noah turns his head round.

Bella: "Oh Sierra I don't feel so good..!"

Bella gets out a can of silly string and pretends to throw up on Sierra with the pink silly string on her while people start to snicker. 

Sierra: "Oh man what did Chris feed us!!"

Sierra gets out a can of silly string as well and sprays it all over Bella as the two of them laugh which makes Noah leave to get Chris to stop this nonsense but nobody cares at this point as Ting Ting comes in and jumps on Bella's lap which makes her smile and Sierra to.

Sierra: "Bella Would it be ok for me to hold Ting Ting just for a minute if that's alright with him?" 

Ting Ting goes over to Sierra and falls asleep on her causing a series of Awes throughout the plane. Bella smiles at this as she takes a photo of the two of them and puts it on Sierra's blog for the world to see.

Bella then gently grabs Ting Ting and brings him into the cargo hold and sets him down with a blanket over him as she strokes him and before she leaves she bumps into Tyler.

Bella: "Oh Tyler what a surprise wait were you following me?"

Tyler: "Oh yeah sorry I just wanted to see if .... Ting Ting was alright yeah he's alright isn't he!"

Bella looks at him confused as she spots Alejandro coming in and walks towards them as Bella quickly runs past Tyler and hugs Alejandro and leaves the cargo hold leaving the two boys alone.

Just then the plane begins to shake which causes the two to run into economy class as Chris announces to the contestants that they are going to have to jump and that there are only a limited number of parachutes left.

Bella's Point Of View 

As we landed in London I saw Cody and Sierra together which made me give Sierra the thumbs up I so want them to be together as I took a picture of the two of them together which made Cody embarrassed and tried to grab my phone but I was too quick for him as I showed the picture to Gwen and we both shared a laugh but I quickly hugged both Sierra and Cody at the same time.  

When we boarded the double decker bus I sat beside Owen with Tyler and Alejandro behind us I couldn't tell but I felt stares behind me I didn't know if they were glaring at each other so I turned around and saw them smiling at me I nearly busted out laughing but I just waved to them and turned round again seeing Owen nervous and getting worried about the know it all typical.

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