Meet & Greet

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(Bum Bum! Thank you for being patient. It's here :3)
(Announcer) -Welcome! Friends, Family, Fans! To the DiMarco Theater! Where we will be hosting a battle of the bands between; Sasha and the cherry's, Grudge, Gorillaz, and The Machines!
Now, The Machines are our competition. Sasha and the gumdrops or whatever can go fuck themselves. The Machines have way more fans than we do, and it's only made up of three people.
Murdoc- Oi! Faceache! Come here! You fuck this up and you're screwed, got it?
He still scares me shitless so my dumbass just sits there and nods like a bobble head.
~time skip~
After the show (which The Machines had won), three lovely ladies came up to us. It wasn't until they got close that I realized it was The Machines.
Lady 1- So, did you guys enjoy the show? Or were you too busy with us kicking your asses?
Murdoc- How bout you sit on my face, then we'll talk.
Russel- Murdoc
- Ma'am...? W-well... I-I.... Erm... I don't fink at's fair...
Lady 2- Oh wow! Your freak talks!
Lady 1- Oi! Don't talk to him like that! We're all sharin the same Earth so we might as well get along, eh?
She seems nice. But she's got some weird views. It's either kill or be killed in this world.  Hah. If only Niccal the Pickle saw it the way she did. Oop. He's eyeing them. Nothing has ever stopped Murdoc from getting in a fight. Not race. Not gender. Not power. Not even weapons. He just attacks at random and ends up coming home with cuts and bruises.
-M-Mudz... d-don't you fink it's t-time to head home. W-we gotta get Noods to bed. It's already 2 am.
Murdoc- Yeah, yeah. C'mon before Russ has a fit about Noodles health.
Before we get in the cab I feel a hand on my arm.
Lady 1- Hey, before you go. Could I get your number?
-Oh. Uhm. Sure. By the way, what's your name?
Lady 1- Rose.
I typed in my number into her phone and handed it back to her.
Rose- Bye now!
The drive home was mostly Russ lecturing us about how this was a waste of time and how Noodle shouldn't be up this late.
Once we got home I went straight up to my room only to be yanked by the collar down the steps again. I felt a sharp nail scratch my neck. Murdoc.
Murdoc- Asshat! Didn't I tell you that if you screwed up you would be fucked?
He dragged me upstairs to his room. I almost don't want to say this...

Sorry that this was so short, I really have no explanation for it. But the other chapters will be longer I promise! Let me know who you ship and that may or may not affect the storyline. Well, bye for now!

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