Chapter 20~ If Love Was Enough.

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I packed my last suitcase and sat it on the bed. 

"You ready Bey?" Shawn asked. 

"That's the last suitcase." I said pointing to the suitcase I just laid on the bed. 

He smiled and walked closer to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and stared into my eyes. 

Of course my heart did that thing it always does and butterflies erupted into my stomach. 

"Thank you for coming with me. I know you're only going for us, and our relationship, but it still means a lot to me." He said tucking my hair behind my ear. 

"You're welcome Shawn." 

He kissed my forehead then pecked my lips. 

"Our flight leaves in an hour so we have to go." Shawn said. 

We took Kelly to Stella's last night. Stella said she would stay home until we get back. So Kelly should be fine while we are gone, which is a weight lifted off my shoulders. Now all I am worried about it going to Houston. I haven't been back to Houston in six years. That means I haven't talked to anyone back home, besides Shawn, in six years. I don't know how I would react if I run into my mom. Of course I've missed her, she's my mother. But after my dad left us she made my life a living hell. She acted like it was my fault he cheated and left. She ruined me and I will resint her till the day I die. 

I followed Shawn outside to his BMW and put my two suitcases in the back seat. Shawn put his one suitcase along with mine then sat two of my bags down on the seat with it. 

"You'd think you were packing to move." Shawn said. 

"You never know what you might need." 

Shawn got in the driver's seat then I got in the passenger's. 

The car ride was filled with small talk then after a twenty minute drive we pulled into the airport parking lot. 

Two men walked up to Shawn's car and grabbed our luggage. 

I watched as they carried it into the airport. 

"Special treatment, huh? It's like we're celeberties." I said. 

"Just wait.." Shawn mumbled under his breath but I heard him clearly. 

I just smiled and walked into the airport with Shawn. 

Shawn had to check in then we had to go threw metal detector's and we were free to board the plane. 

When we walked onto the plane I was in shock. 

I have never flown on a plane before. I've heard about what they're like and this is nothing like what I imagined. It is a million times better. 

The inside of this plane looks like a home. There are seats to sit in, cabinets, a couch, a tv, books, and I haven't seen it all. I thought there were just a few seats on a plane. 

"First class baby." Shawn said then kissed the top of my head. 

My smile was huge. This is amazing! 

I sat down in a leather seat that was beside the window. 

"This is amazing." I said looking around. 

"You deserve the best." Shawn said taking a seat directly infront of me. 

I smiled then looked out the window. 

"Champagne?" A woman asked holding two glasses and a bottle. 

Shawn looked at me and I nodded. 

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