Chapter 19~ Here We Go.

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I woke up to a light knock on Shawn's bedroom door. 

I rolled over and looked at the clock on his night stand that read 4:30. I groaned and pulled out of Shawn's arms.

"What are you doing?" Shawn asked sleepily.

"Somebody's knocking on your bedroom door." 

"mm..I'll get it." He grumbled rolling out of bed. 

"I'll get it. It's probably Kelly." 

I walked to the door and opened it. I was right it was Kelly. I turned around and Shawn sitting on the edge of the bed. 

"Go back to sleep. I'll be right back." I said. 

I closed the door behind me and walked back to the backroom with Kelly.

"What's wrong?" I asked. 

"I..I got scared." Kelly said looking aroung the room. 

I sighed. I hadn't thought about it really. Which actually makes me a terrible friend. I brought her into the house of the man who started this entire mess, three weeks after she was shot. 

"I'm sorry Kel." I said. 

She nodded her head and sat on the bed. 

"I didn't remember where I was. Then it came to me and I realized that I am in his house. I just got scared."

"It's okay...It's okay." I said rubbing her arm. 

"Will you stay in here until I fall asleep?" She asked. 

I nodded my head, "Yeah. Of course!" 

I scooted over to the other side of the bed so she could lay down. 

I still can't believe this has all happened. I'm still shocked about running into Shawn in the ally. Then he has Kelly abducted, I had to help Kelly escape. Kelly and I drove all the way to Pennsylvania just to get abducted and brought back here. Shawn and I decided to work things out between us, Kelly got shot, and now Shawn want's to go back to Texas. 

That's a whole lot of shit for two people to go through in just a few months. 

Sometime after Kelly and I laid down I fell asleep because I woke up and it was day light outside. 

I quietly got up and walked out of the room. Kelly was still asleep so I walked back to Shawn's room. 

Shawn was laying on his bed scrolling threw his phone. I crawled onto the bed and laid down beside him. 

"Goodmorning." He said.

I smiled and looked at him. "Goodmorning."

He didn't take his attention away from his phone. 

"What are you doing?" I asked. 

"Just checking on our reservations and stuff for Texas." 

Oh yeah, Texas.

"When are we leaving?" 

"Two days. We don't have to be there at a certain time." 

I wrapped my arms around him and laid my head on his chest. 

"I'm cold." I wispered.

He laid his phone down on his nightstand and wrapped his arms around me. 

"I was cold when you left me earlier." He said running his fingers threw my hair. 

"Kelly was scared. I was just going to stay in there till she fell asleep but I fell asleep too." 

"I don't care. That's fine. I just missed holding you."

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