Haunted House

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       It passed a day since I slept in Erens room but to be honest I was kind of scared sleeping in his room because......yeah.

       "Hey, mikasa wake up" eren waved his hand in my face. As I open my eyes, groaning and yawning. "what is it, eren? I asked. "sorry for barging in your room so early" he apologised. "its okay". "I just wanted us to go on a date tonight since its Halloween today. "sure, I'll go" I said. "okay....we'll go at 6:00 PM tonight. "okay". He walked out of my room and walked downstairs as I stared at him. I decided just to hang around my house and wait until it was 6:00.

6:00 P.M.

       "Its finally six" I sighed. It took forever for the whole day to go by fast. Eren took me out to dinner. After dinner we saw a haunted house. Eren wanted to go in there but I didn't because it looked a bit scary. "c'mon lets go mikasa" he convinced. "but it looks...kind of scary" I said. "Don't worry, mikasa...I'll be by your side" he said. "I guess...so" I said. We walked near the haunted house and I looked inside the door and got scared because it was dark and I heard some sounds.

         When I took a step in the house, I heard creaking sounds. We kept walking but there wasn't anything that scary but I only heard sounds. After a few minutes of walking, I saw a red door. Eren and I walked inside of it and it looked like I was in a hospital. We kept walking until a girl popped out of no where next to me. I looked by my side and saw her face near mines. She screamed in my face so loud. I began to scream too and held erens arm so tight that I could break it. "oww..ow, mikasa your hurting my arm" eren yeld. "huh? oh sorry, I was just scared" I said. My body was shaking like heck. "...your shaking" he said. "whatever..." I said. We kept walking until I saw a shadow not far from us. It was coming closer to us. Then Hanji showed up.

       "its hanji" I told eren. "Hey guys!!!!!" hanji yeld. "oh, Hi" I said. I saw petra, sasha, and christa behind hanji too. We all came together and started to chat a bit. "mind if we join you guys?" sasha asked. "sure" I answered. We started to walk further into the darkness. And then..we bumped into Yoshiki, Zero, Nike, and Livius. They joined us because Nike thought it looked fun hanging out with us. 'I hope we don't bump into anybody else' I mumbled to myself. A few minutes passed by then finally a clown showed up and started to chase us. All of us were screaming except Zero and Yoshiki. They both were so quiet and calm but they were running too. The clowned disappeared. *huff huff huff "finally that clown disappeared" Hanji said. "I hope we don't run into that clown again" petra hoped.

       We kept walking until we saw a bunch of zombies looking at us. We kept starring at them until they saw us. "$hit" said eren. a few minutes later....."AHHHHHH!!!!!!!" everbody. "HOW CAN YOU BOTH BE SO CALM WHEN THERE'S SO MANY ZOMBIES CHASING US!!!????" Sasha asked yoshiki and zero. "Its not entertaining or scary" zero said. "I'll go to what zero just said" yoshiki answered. "oh.....THEN WHY ARE YOU ALL LAUGHING AND SMILING,HANJI!!!????"Sasha asked hanji. "I don't know...its fun I guess.....I like being chased" hanji said. "oh......whatever" sasha said. We kept running until we saw a door exit.  "open that door, everybody" Nike command. We all ran to it then pushed it. It seemed so heavy that we couldn't even open it until Zero came up to the door and kicked it opened. "wow, he's so strong" christa said. "nice work guys...expecially zero" he complimented. I fell on the ground and felt so tired. All the girls were so tired that they fell. All the guys were looking at us. "okay. All the boys here...have to carry one of these girls to there cars. "I guess we have no choice" said livius. He walked up to petra. "can you stand?" he asked. "oh, yeah.., you don't have to carry me to my car, I'm alright" said petra. "okay" he said. Yoshiki got forced to carry christa and Nike went to carry sasha. "mikasa, lets go" eren said. I looked up and he reached his arms out for my legs and my back. He lifted me up and carried me in his arms. "look at those love birds over there" hanji whispered to petra.

      Petra looked over at them. "haha....they look so cute together but we can't just stalk them like this" petra murmured. "okay, whatevwr"hanji said. Me and eren left home then went to sleep.

A/N: Hello guys. I'm posting up my new chapter of my story so I hope u guys in joy well peace :)


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