A Single Day

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Eren's POV

        A few months pass after that judgment day with mikasa. Those jealously days and hurtful words I had to say to mikasa, face to face. I felt as if my life was over and had no meaning to it anymore. Losing my loved ones, my mother, mikasa, and my father are all gone. I'm sure this true loneliness of despair will continue on throughout my entire life, will it for you? 

          -Alarm Rings-
       As I hear my phone ringing with this sound mikasa had chosen for me 3 months ago... I slam my phone's screen and pressed dismiss. I woke up, knowing that I had quit my job and dismissed everything, I decided to go grab some coffee at the café. I got there. "Good morning, what would you like to have this morning?" the register asked. "I would like to have a café latte, please,"I said. "Coming right up...it may take a while so why don't you go take a seat?" The register offered. I headed over to the table and waited for my coffee. As my coffee arrived, I grabbed it and sat over at the table looking outside the frosty window. I felt like going out someplace else since I would always be free most times.

        I went downtown. As I got there, I see someone very unexpected, Zero. He turned around and see me. "Hey" I said, "what are you doing here" I asked. "Thats what I was gonna asked you" he replied. "Oh, well wanna hang out since theres nothing to do anyway?". "Eh, sure I guess" zero said. We hung out a bit feeling bored. Hours later I see someone I didn't expect to see and someone I didn't want to see...Mikasa. To me, I thought ignoring was best until, she spots me too. She couldn't take her eyes off me. -Sweat drips- a sweat rolls down to my jaw. "Why does she keep staring at me?!" I cried in my thoughts. Zero actually saw her staring in the corners of his eyes. I told him not to look at her and pretend not to see her but he did. He looked at her with his cold purple eyes. She looked away and pretended that she never saw us. "LEVIIIII!!!!??!" She shouted while running.

          "ZERO! I TOLD YOU NOT TO DO THATTT!!!!" I yelled at him with my eyes on fire. "I just did, and it was getting irritated so yea.." he looked away. "Haha whatever, lets go" as we head off home.

           "alright, thanks for the day Zero, cya". "Later" he said. We left home and it returned to a normal boring day...

'mikasa.....forget about me already...stop thinking of the past...'

         A/N : I have come back lol...srry for such boring chapter(first chapter seems already boring) well I want to ask should the pov be eren or mikasa? I chose eren becauseen mikasa was already in main character in series 1 lol but its yalls choices so comment, vote, and follow over there ~~~~~>>>>>>>
Have a great day and hope you all enjoy ^^
And srry for mistakes =,="

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