part 5

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Part 5:

The wind was caressing my face, we were going so much fast for the highway, I saw all the things I've never seen before, I saw towns, cities, parks and a lot of normal things that every normal person see each day when they go outside.

- Is here.

The motorbike stopped and a wave of reallity came over my mind.

- Why are we in front of a restaurant?

- Oh, that question is easy, I know the answer, maybe because, YOU HAVEN'T EATEN NOTHING YET.

I thought about, that was true, and now that he said that I felt really starving.

- So which is the plan?

- I have just said you, go into the restaurant and eat.

- after that.

- first things, first.

And I stopped asking him.

We entered into the restaurant, and I stopped in front of the door, Wow.

He talked with a waiter and they started to walk and I followed them, we were in a room, with a table, alones.

The waiter left the room and closed the door.

- why we are here?

- again? Oh my God, we are here because we need to eat.

- are you serious?

- ok, nosy, we can't risk that that people listen to our conversation.

- what are we going to talk about?

- something. Sit down.

- what's wrong with you? - I said raising my voice more than normal.

- please, noisy, sit down.

And I did.

I waited him for starting to talk. But he waited a long time, making sure no one could hear us.

- ok. So this is the situation. You are in danger.

- why? They only want to put me in a fake family.

- but they are not of who you need to be afraid of.

And then all my word came down, there was only one person that I needed to be afraid of, I repeated his words one and another time in my mind. "I'll kill you, I swear, but don't worry, not yet".

I started to shiver.

I will die.

- no, don't be afraid, Alice, he won't find you if you stay with me.

- you don't know.

- yes I do.

- if he catches me...

- he won't.

- but if he does.

- stop, he won't if you are with me.

I nodded but I knew that no one could escape of him, he was unstoppable.

- hey, noisy - he put his hand on mine. - you don't have any question?

I smiled.

- a lot.

- five.

- OK.

- what's your name?

- Justin.

- you know where my father went?

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