I finally pull up in front of the shelter, one light on in the far window.

“Thanks man.” I say, paying the driver the fare. He nods and speeds off the second I step out.

I clench my fingers together in my pants pocket, a little nervous as to seeing Stacy. It’s the first time I’ve really been in trouble and I’m not sure what she’ll do. I walk inside, past the great room. Everyone’s asleep either on the bunk beds or curled up next to each other on the floor. This will always be my home, and my family - blood related or not. I tip toe down the hallway to Stacy’s office and enter quietly. She’s sitting in her chair, glasses pushed onto her head. 

“Hi.” I whisper, sitting in one of the chairs in front of her desk.

She gets right into it, skipping a casual greeting. “Did you not bother notifying anyone of your leave?” She asked, stressed. “I thought you had run away. I thought you were going to leave and never come back. I thought you were gone Niall.”

“Stacy did you really think that I would leave forever without an explanation?”

“You had me worried sick Niall, and I’m not even your mom!” 

“Stacy I’m sorry.”

“Where’s Brinley?” She asks, finally realizing the absence of my ex girlfriend. 

“She’s gone.” 

“Will she be coming back?” 

“If I can convince her.” 

Stacy squints her eyes at me. “Niall, I know that as a teenager you’re supposed to make mistakes but what the hell did you do? I thought she really loved you?”

“I think she did but I don’t know about now. I did some sick, twisted, stuff to her and I’ll be surprised if she ever forgives me.”

Stacy’s quiet for a few minutes before finally speaking up. 

“What happened to having a future Niall? Do you still plan on going to college and having a solid career?”

“I don’t even know at this point.” I run my fingers through my hair, tugging at the ends. “So much went on in Florida.” 

“What’s more important to you right now? Brinley or college?” 

I pause, looking in her eyes, thinking. I furrow my eyebrows together, debating on a decision. 

“I don’t want to offend you, but Brinley is a girl. There’s possibly more for you in the future. Colleges won’t be as accepting with your application the older you get Niall. Think about it.” 

I nod my head and give her a hug before sneaking back into the great room. I find my bunk and clamber up to the top bunk, not wanting to sleep on the bottom alone. 


My mom hugged me in the kitchen after I had settled down, sending me to bed shortly after. It’s weird to be back home. It’s weird to see my mom. I’m still not sure where we stand. It seems as if I’m forgiven but I can’t be sure. I thought I would go to bed as soon as my head hit the pillow, but my eyes are still wide awake ; puffy from crying, but still open. How could my life go from absolutely perfect to this? I can’t even comprehend it at this point. I could totally audition for the part in a soap opera, I have the life for it. The tears have finally dried on my cheeks and I roll on my stomach, trying to find a comfortable position and get sleep. My door creeps open and I twist my head. 

“Sammy?” I spot my little sister, standing in the doorway, her pajama pants pooling around her ankles. 

“Are you alright?” She asks. 

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