Chapter 28

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And I just wanted to say BTW that I’m sorry the first half of this story was written so awful - the chapters were so short and just pretty confusing. I’ve tried to fix it, but I probably will do that when I finish this story. I hope the storyline and the plot are interesting and written better now. Oh and if you could check out my new series, 'Imagines' - they're just imagines of all the boys - that'd be awesome! Thank you :)

Chapter 28


I take out my phone and dial the number by heart. I pray that the phone will pick up and after a few dial tones it does. 

“Hello?” I ask tentatively. 

“Brinley?” The voice asks, surprised. 

I close my eyes. “Please don’t hang up mom. I’m at the airport and I don’t have a ride home. Do you think you could pick me up?” 

“I’ll be there in twenty.” She says and then hangs up. 

She might still hate me but at least it’s a start. 

Twenty minutes later, just on time, my mom pulls up to the curb. I step up to the window and she rolls it down. 

“Hi.” I say softly, searching her face. 

“Well get in.” She says, unlocking the door. I do as she says, and slip onto the seat, clicking my seat belt in. 

“I missed you.” I hesitantly say, glancing at her side profile. She’s focused on the road but she nods her head in some sort of an answer.

I lean my head against the window. After a few minutes I whisper, “You were right.”

My mom glances over at me confused. “What was I right about?”

“You said Niall would leave me. He did.” We pull into our driveway. She unbuckles her seatbelt and cradles me in her ams.

“I told you and you didn’t believe me. He blinded you. I always knew he was no good for you.”

That just makes the oncoming tears pour faster. My mom holds me tighter, until I’ve run dry. 

“Let’s get you inside.”


Just as I lean off the curb to get a taxi, my phone rings. I answer it quickly without checking caller I.D.

“Brinley?” I ask.

“No hun, it’s Stacy. Audrey’s mom? At the shelter?” She jokes. 

“Oh hi Stacy. Sorry about the up and leaving.”

“You had us all frightened Niall. Anyway, I’m curious as to if you contacted your parents or not.”

“How’d you know about them?”

“Brinley told me about them. Brinley told me Niall, you didn’t. That hurt me real bad.” Her voice softens. 

I cringe, the guilt physically slouching my shoulders lower. “I was afraid I would be kicked out of the shelter if anyone learned I was meeting with my parents.”

“Niall we would never kick you out. We’re your home, if you decide to stay with us.”

“I’ll be back in half an hour.” 

I hang up and shove my phone into my back pocket. My life is a mess, I need to sort it all out. My fingers start slightly shaking, wishing I could strum a few strings. Ever since Brinley first re introduced me to guitar, I’ve been playing it every day. A cab finally pulls up to the curb and I hop in, telling him the address. He speeds up and I rest my head against the seat, closing my eyes. I needed to figure some plan out to get Brinley back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2014 ⏰

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